.....but I'm not sure I remember the last time I was called "versatile."
That is, until I was honored by having bestowed on me the ubiquitous "Versatile Blogger Award!"
The concept of the award is that the party of the first part, i.e., the "awardee" (that would be me), needs to share 7 random facts about themselves that others are not likely to know, and then nominate 10 other bloggers to receive the award. I was honored by both sweet Steph from Front Porch Primitives and dear Kim from The Barn Hollow.
I am truly humbled and thank you both for your graciousness. Does that mean that I'm twice as versatile as the average crow??? I don't think so....I think it just means I am slow in posting this. And does that mean I will share 14, rather than 7, random facts about me??? Nah.....I'm feeling generous today and will spare you all the agony.... ;o)
Anywho....on to the facts.....
1. I used to rosemal - a lot. (Rosemaling is a form of decorative Norwegian painting - and, no, I am NOT Norwegian):
Did that hurt your eyes my prim friends??? Sorry - I won't do it again. And I really mean that....I WON'T do it again, EVER.
2. I was "detained" (ok, arrested) in France for entering the country illegally.
(Yes, that is a photo of me....Told you you wouldn't see them often, but not to worry, it's an old photo and I don't look like that anymore.) ;o)
The rest of the story: A friend of mine and I were trying to catch a connecting train in France, and the train we were coming in on from Spain had been delayed. Concerned that we would miss our connection, the kind train steward showed us how (and where) to jump off the train and get to the French connection (gee....sounds like a movie....) Needless to say, we didn't get our little passports properly stamped, leading to the "detainment." All I can say is thank the good Lord for the American Embassy. :o)
3. I am a melanoma survivor.
4. In my early days, I was known as the child who had perfected projectile vomiting into an art form. No photos for this one. (You're welcome.)
5. The only reason I went to law school was because my husband-to-be made me cranky. You see, we had only known each other for a few months and he wanted to get married. I didn't. He wanted to know why. I told him I had "things to do." When he asked "like what?", I told him "I don't know, maybe go to law school." He laughed and said "only smart people can go to law school." I enrolled that fall.
(He has since changed his saying to "you don't have to be smart to be a lawyer....")
I wouldn't recommend this as a method of choosing your life career.
6. I own a genuine, authentic, viewing coffin from the 1800's:
7. As a child, I was terrified of whip-poor-wills. One always seemed to perch in the huge oak outside the room where I slept, so I actually wore a wool cap with ear flaps to bed even on the hottest of summer nights in that stuffy upstairs little room with no air circulation (because, of course, the only window was shut tightly.....)
You have to admit....they're kind of freaky looking! I'm still not crazy about them, but I no longer sleep with a wool cap on in the summer.
There you have it. As for the 10 I am to pass this award on to.....I just can't.....It is too difficult to pick and choose among so many wonderful bloggers out there, so I will leave it at this:
If you have not already received this award, and don't mind "sharing" a little more about you, please consider yourself personally awarded the Versatile Blogger Award by The Cranky Crow.....After all, if you're here and reading this, you've more than demonstrated some amazing versatility.
Thank you, Kim and Steph, again, for thinking of me and honoring me.
Happy Friday!