It's been a LONG while since....
well, everything.
...since I've posted, since I've visited/commented on blogs,
since I've hooked, punched, or had anything fun or good to post about.
It's been a long while since I laughed, really laughed....
....went for lunch....or went anywhere just because.
But I did yesterday....
Yesterday, I went with my hooking pal, Cathy from Red Barn Rugs, to Country Freckles and crashed their little Thursday hooking group.
Me, well, I didn't get much hooking done, but it was good to catch up on the fun stuff at the store and all of the new Red Barn Rugs' patterns.
Since it's also "been a while" since I've shared some hooky stuff with you, I decided to today....
(Unless otherwise noted, these are all Red Barn Rugs designs/patterns, and were all hooked by the proprietress thereof (i.e., the talented Cathy) herself....)
(Red Barn Rugs' design/pattern hooked by Mary Jo)
(Lib Calloway design/pattern being hooked by Kris)
(Red Barn Rugs' design/pattern being hooked by Joy)
(Cathy's newest pattern and current project)
Gee, all this hooking makes me want to play hooky. (Get it?) Ok....sorry. Back to the books for this crow.
Hope all is well in your worlds...and will try to check in soon!