Anyone who knows me even a wee bit, knows I have an unnatural obsession with....well, many things....but, in particular, shoes.
Shoes for me to wear, and shoes for me to simply look at.... The former line and fill my walk-in closet (I'm pretty sure I could give Imelda a run for her money) and the latter are one of my largest "collections." (If you missed it and care, I shared some of my collection in a post a while ago....)
So it should come as no surprise that when Sweet Misi from 1890 Gable House Musings started creating her wonderful boxes (ummmm, yeah, another of my freakish addictions) with shoes, I was hopelessly smitten.
Really, what's not to love here?
Misi even tucked the little box full of precious feathers (Oh, yeah, I love me my feathers)....
And, I couldn't resist Misi's adorable hare-in-a-box either. (To be truthful, I find it hard to resist anything made by Misi's artful hands....)
But the most amazing gift caught me completely unawares....
Tucked in the box with the above treasures, was this sweet, sweet, package....
A birthday gift from Misi to me that couldn't be more perfect.....
A chocolate mold (we all know the "thing" I have for chocolate molds) in the shape of a shoe....with the most life-like bird tucked inside....
How can it possibly get any better than this?
Thank you Sweet, Sweet, Misi....You are an amazing gift to those around you and you know my soul like few else do.
(My heart-felt gratitude also to all of you who left comments or emailed me regarding my last post and the loss of our precious Gazoo. It will take a long, long, time for the hurt to even begin to heal, but knowing there are others who understand the pain and care brings a measure of comfort that you cannot know.)