Saturday, August 6, 2011

Thank Each and Every One of You!!!

I truly want to thank each and every one of you who expressed your concern and/or sent up prayers for my mother and our family these past few days. Your kindness truly touched me.  My mother is stabilized at this point. They have put a filter in to ensure that the clots in her legs do not also migrate.  She is also on an anticoagulant medication which will stop the clots in her lungs from getting larger.  However, given the size of the clots in her lungs, it may take 6 months or so for them to be dissolved.  A long haul ahead, but we are so fortunate and blessed that she got medical attention when she did. way of clarification (so you all don't think Nod is completely stuck in the Dark Ages)....yes, our ER has a back-up power system.  However, I first took my mother to a walk-in clinic since they had access to her medical history, and she was not, at the point of departure from her home, seemingly "critical."  Upon arrival at the clinic, however, she steadily declined and was put in the "urgent care" unit, administered oxygen, etc. It was at this point that the power went out (as a result of road construction in the area....) The clinic, too, has a back-up system, but it only lit the hallways, and there was no way of getting the beds out of the rooms and into the hallway....Hence, the flashlight....which the doctor's son had just given him or he likely wouldn't have happened to have it.  The urgent care physician had already called 911 to have my mother transported by ambulance to the ER, and had hoped the EMTs could start the IV, but when my mother's vitals started to deteriorate, he tried the IV by flashlight....In any event, he was not successful with the IV even with the flashlight....Just another day in the life of a crow....


And, with all of this hullabaloo, I am a little remiss not only in blogging, commenting, etc., but in my thank-you's for other gifts received.  On July 19th, Sweet Traci from York Mountain Primitives, said she would pick one of the persons who commented on her post that day and send them a "wee thank you." Actually, Traci decided to send EVERYONE who commented that day a very SPECIAL thank you....Nothing "wee" about it, because Traci made something very special for each one of us....Traci asked me to name one of my favorite fall/Halloween things....I said black cats.....and look at this crow-perfect penny mat Traci made for me...just for me!!!

I LOVE this!!! Traci - thank you from the bottom of my heart. You know the day it arrived and it was a truly bright spot in a very dark day....And you couldn't have captured what I love any better!!  Thanks Sweetie....again!

I was also one of the (many!) lucky winners in The Olde Country Cupboard's "Christmas in July" celebration.  All month long, Sandy (and her daughter, Samantha) offered free patterns and had wonderful giveaways.  I was the fortunate recipient of this wonderful Christmas journal:

Love it!!! Thank you so, so, much Sandy!!! That was so sweet of you...and it will be a wonderful addition to our season's celebration this year.


I cannot possibly put into words what your kindnesses have meant to me.  So I will simply say, and say simply, thank you.


Christine said...

So good of you to give us this update on your mother. We continue to hold you up in our prayers over the next weeks.
What beautiful gifts you received - friends are a true blessing!
Best wishes

Anonymous said...

my gosh what a horrble situation,, you must have been so frightened,, your poor mum,, she must have had her guardian angel with her that day,, wow,, whats the odds of that,, so glad she's coming along,, i will keep you both in my thought s and prayers,, sending positive thoughts your way!!

Sassafras and Winterberry said...

I'm glad to hear that your mom is moving forward with her care. I can see that she has a long road and I'll hold her in my prayers as she continues healing.

Roberta said...

Robin, I'm so sorry to hear about your mom's health issues! Glad to hear the clots are being addressed and hope she's soon on the road to recovery and able to return home. Scary indeed, but I'm so glad you were there and able to get her to the doctor in time. Your family is in my prayers. Blessings, Roberta

Primitive Echoes said...

I am glad to hear your mom is getting some good care. That is pretty amazing that the doctor tried to put it in with a flashlight though. Kudos to him. Will keep you all in our prayers.

basketsnprims said...

Robin, I'm glad to hear that your mom's health is improving and I will continue to pray for her in the coming weeks and months. Considering the circumstances it sounds like the clinic did a top notch job. Love your gifts, you deserve them.

Unknown said...

Good to hear your Mom is being cared and improving. Sometimes life rolls, and we have to with it. Big hugs and you were a winner again? You are worth it. Take care of your nest cranky crow ;-)

The Rusty Thimble said...

Oh my gosh Robin so sorry I missed what happened. I pray your mother will be ok what a scary deal.
Sending you many hugs, I need to find more time to read blogs again everyone is always so kind to comment on mine and I get behind!

Sending lots of thoughts hugs and love your way

Stacy Kay Brais said...

So happy to hear your mom is improving :) Prayers for her.

Raymond Homestead said...

Glad she's on the road to improving! Good news!

Angela said...

Robin, Just had responded to a comment on my blog that you stopped by and made, and asked about your Mom. Hadn't checked and now I know so disregard. Glad she is stable. Hope things improve from here forward. Will be keeping you all in my prayers. Sending hugs and prayers your way.

Lois--Huckleberry Lady said...

Robin, Glad your mother is getting the care she needs and is improving. Keeping you both in my prayers.


Me and My Stitches said...

Good Lord won more stuff? You are on such a lucky streak - just go touch your mom to give her some of that good luck! Glad she is doing better.

Unknown said...

I am glad that your mom is stable! Loved the cat felt. Blessings, tiff

Farmhouse prims said...

Robin, I am so thankful that your mother is stabalized. I love the little candle mat from Traci and the journal from Sandy. Hugs, Lecia

Ellie's Country Accents said...

Glad your Mom is getting better, My prayers are with you both. Take care, Ellie

Prim In The Country said...

It's great to hear that your Mother is getting the care she needs. You'll have to keep us posted.

It's always nice to see something special in your mailbox. I know you will treasure them!

Vicki said...

Love your blog...Hope your mother is doing well...Isn't it nice to know folks care...Blessings to you and your family....

Carol Stuck said...

All I can say is Whoo Hoo....Mom is improving!!! That is the best news yet!!! God is good!!

Have a blessed, wonderful weekend.


Rugs and Pugs said...

Robin ~
So glad your mom is stabilized. Prayers coming yours and her way for continued improvement.
Pug hugs :)

Deb @ Crows on the Cupola said...

Robin, I am so happy to hear your mom is improving. I will say a prayer for her also. So nice to receive those special packages in the mail. They truly do brighten the day. Congrats on being the lucky winner of both great giveaways!

Robin at The Primitive Hutch said...

Oh my gosh Robin ~ I so missed your post about your mom.
My prayers are being sent her way for a speedy recovery.
I'm so sorry I didn't respond sooner. Take care.

Deppen homestead 1862 said...

hi, Robin~
So glad your Mom is doing better~you girls had an adventure to remember~ Prayers with her for complete recovery~
Wonderful penny from Traci~ she is such a sweetie & love her items~if you don't have room for it in your small home~ I could take it for you~giggles
Pretties from Sandy~ wow, nice win!
hugs to Mom & you~

~Madalynne~ said...

Glad to hear that your mother is stabilized after that crazy night ~ it must have been so scary.

Cute kitty cat mat from Traci!

Gatherings said...

Well hope everything is on the mend. My mother in law had that clot thing going on and they put some kind of net in to stop the clots from hitting her heart. We are about a little over 2 hours from Madison so not too far from Wisconsin. Hope your life gets easier shortly! Kindest Regards, Wanda

bettyj said...

So glad your Mother is doing better. blood clots are certainly scary and not to be "reckoned" with. Hope she continues to improve. The flashlight story, though not at the time, is certainly a conversation getter!lol Congrats on all your winnings!

renee said...

Glad your mom is doing better. I must have missed this, I am sorry.
Congrats to you on your winnings! I need to rub your crow feet! I am telling you! LOL!
Hang in there kid!

Vicki said...

Hi, Robin. Gosh, just read about your Mom. What an ordeal. So glad she is doing better. I know you have a long road ahead but glad things were caught in time. Thinking of you. Thanks for stopping by yesterday.

Cindy (Applestone Cottage) said...

I am so sorry to hear about your Mom Robyn.
What an ordeal!
And more give-away wins?
You are the luckiest blogger I have ever known!
Hang in there friend,

Sheila said...

I'm glad to read that your mom is doing better and I will pray that she continues to do so. How frightning that must have been.
Lovely treasures you shared.

The Moonlit Stitch said...

This sounds like good news Robin. Will continue praying. Take care of yourself too! ~*~Lisa

Prims By The Water said...

Glad to hear that your mom is doing better Robin, and so glad that the land of Nod does have back up power. Simply love that cat rug still are a lucky crow! Take care, Janice

Gettysburg Homestead said...

So glad your Mom is on the mend. I can just see myself walking into the dark clinic getting someone and watching a doctor try and start an IV by flashlight. LOL. That is almost as bad as starting one bumping down the road.

Dana~HomespunTreasures said...

Robin I'm so glad to hear that your Mother is improving. That is such a blessing. Enjoy your new goodies you sure do deserve them!! :) Hope you have a great week!!


Leontien said...

oh i am sorry to hear about your mother, but glad that it seems to go a bit better! I just hopped over because i saw your raven pop up and got curious!

Hope to be back soon!

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness Robin....I'm so sorry to hear about all this trouble that your Mother is going through....thank goodness they put a rush on things! My prayers are with her!
I do love your new penny mat from sweet and kind of her to send all these lil prims out to us! She's the best.
Take care,

frontporchprims said...

All right. I've seen you flying around all over the place leaving comments and supporting everyone. Time to visit and support you too. I am glad your mother is going to be fine. It's hard to see our parents aging. Your winnings are great. I love that black cat. Thanks for encouraging all of us in blog land. -Steph-

Anonymous said...

Now Robin...did the hummingbird beak stab you? what do you mean you needed medical attention? How funny...well kinda...

also want to know where you get your wool from and what type of cutter you suggest...can't remember if you told me or not!

Thanks honey!!

Mary said...

Hi Robin, So glad to hear that they have your mom stablized and on the road to recovery. Will keep her and you and the family in my prayers. Congrats on another wonderful win!!Luv all your new goodies! Hugs Mary

Anonymous said...

I hope your mother continues to improve :-)

Lynn said...

Thanks for the update.
Glad she is on the mend. Thank God you caught it in time. I am a registered Respiratory therapist and blood clots to the lungs are not a good thing. Hugs to you my friend and still saying prayers that she will recover quickly. Hugs,

deb said...

So glad your mom is seeing some improvement and I will keep her in my prayers!!!!
Lucky you on the win....I need you to rub shoulders with me:)

Constance said...

Dear, Robin,

I am so sorry to hear about your mothers illness but I am so very glad that she is improving. Thank you for the very kind comment that you left on my post. I truly enjoy visiting your blog and you and your family are in my prayers.


Leontien said...

I'm so glad your mom is doing better! and yes it is still amazing to me what kind words can do! Should be a lot sending all this positive energie out!

the gift is very very nice!

Hope you have a great weekend!

Suzanne said...

Oh My Goodness Robin! I'm so glad to hear your Mom is better, but what a traumatic event for your family. I will keep you and your Mom in my prayers. Take care of yourself while you care for your Mom!

Julie - My Primitive Heart said...

Hi Robin,
I am so happy to hear the encouraging news concerning your mom, and know you are resting a bit easier for now!! May you both have some good nights of healing rest, and may the Dr's and nurses be wise and compassionate as they care for her!!
Take care and know you and your mom are being thought of and prayed for!!
Blessings and Hugs~~