Saturday, June 10, 2023

My Little Jungle

I have never been to a true and proper jungle. The closest I have come is a few hours in a tropical rain forest in Puerto Rico.
I never did see a monkey there, though, and that disappointed me.
(No, monkeys aren't native to Puerto Rico but in the 1950's, some escaped a lab and, well, now there are monkeys in Puerto know, that "lab leak" thing.)

We skipped spring here in Nod and leapt directly into summer.
We have been unusually hot and unusually dry, at least for this early in the season.
But for someone who dwells in a land with 7+ months of winter, my complaining lips are duly and properly buttoned.

Come along for a peek at my little jungle here in Nod.

{House Wren hitching a ride on the witch's cat's head on the cornzebo's weathervane}

{Weeping Tina Crabapple}

{Magnolia and Rhododendron}

{False Indigo}

{Miss Kim Lilac}


{Baltimore Oriole}

{House Wren residence outside my front door}

{Resting hummingbird}

I wish you could hear the cacophony that goes on at times in my little jungle.
I did not receive the family gene that enables me to tell one bird song (or even one bird by sight) from another, but Miss Marly of Samplers-and-Santas introduced me to the Merlin app and I feel like a blind person who can once again see.

These are some of the birds that have serenaded me in my jungle the past few days:

And no jungle would be complete without critters.

Some less desirable than others...

and far more plentiful...not only slithering on the ground but dropping out of trees and bushes.

My little jungle desperately needs rain.  Several days the sky has darkened with promise, but it seems the promise always goes unfulfilled.

I realize I have not posted about any "projects" of late...I have done a little stitching - no hooking, no finishing though.  But for those of you who are gracious enough to follow me for those types of things, I promise I will update soon.


Saundra said...

Of course you have a witch weathervane and wouldn't have expected anything less.
For someone who has so much winter you have one hell of a gorgeous garden doing on there!!! All that snow melted to give nutrition to the vegetation.
Those house wrens may be small but have the strongest lungs of any bird its size I love looking at them as when they sing they swing their head from side to side. Oh but I do love them.
What the hell is that green slithering thing at the bottom? Black snakes I can handle and even garden beside them. But I don't like the looks of that one.

Prims By The Water said...

Reading your bird list reminded me I have yet to see a Groesbeck this year yet. My nephew in North Carolina has black snakes that live in the trees. You must be careful going under any tree down there. Yikes I would be petrifies if one came out of a bush like that by me. At least ours run in the other direction. The other night we heard the coyotes. Unsettling too as a dog was barking just before that and then no more barking from the dog. I fear he met his demise. Our township just put us on a no bonfires allowed now until we get some rain. Supposed to get some tomorrow, so we will see. Hopefully we will. We could use it too. Am afraid Spring went to Summer here too. Janice

Anonymous said...

Love the bird on the weather vane 😊. You have lots of colors - so beautiful. We’ve had a false summer or two but not too bad so far. Looking forward to seeing what you are working on 🌸

jabblog said...

What a lovely garden, though I don't envy you the snakes. You have a fantastic number of birds visiting. Identification apps are so useful, aren't they? I have one for bird song and one for plants. They're not infallible but then neither am I! Janice

Rugs and Pugs said...

Your yard is GORGEOUS and you shared some amazing photos. The raccoon pic is award worthy...and to get a pic of a hummer sitting. WOWZA!
I need to download that app. I get lots of traffic at my Oriole feeder and most of them are Oriole wannabees ;-)
Praying for rain here, too. 60% - 80% chance here today, but so often Lake Erie seems to push the rain just a bit south. The grass is already August brown.

Hill Top Post said...

It seems your”jungle” is thriving just fine despite the hot dry conditions. Perhaps, like me, you are watering daily. I was just recently fitted with hearing aids which I don’t care a flip about, except for when I am out and about listening to the birds. It really is a wonderful new experience for me. Thanks for the tip about the bird app. Now I’ll go shopping!

marly said...

Isn't that app wonderful?

Your projects are always a treat to view, but not necessary to enjoy your posts. And how I love that font.

Enjoy the heat girl!!

oldgreymareprimitives said...

You are so kind to me with my paltry display of green when you have all that glorious color and splendor! said...

Wowzers! What a burst of colour and sound are in your corner of the world. Are those copperheads 😐? Our Lupines are at peak now and I had the loveliest false indigo at our old house. The other plant life I am much less familiar with. Hubby and I used to snort at my bird watching uncle. Now others likely snort at us. We’ve joined him!
Thank you for the share.

acorn hollow said...

Oh that snake!!! yikes coming out of a tree my skin is crawling I hate snakes I am sure it comes from my mother. That sweet bird taking a hitch on your weathervane. Your gardens are beautiful you have some wonderful plantings.
WE are getting rain very regularly so no complaints here.

Primitive Stars said...

Morning Sweet Crow, I’m in awe of your beautiful jungle, it’s enchanting, you really have a piece of heaven there….. We skipped Spring here too, it’s been so hot and humid everyday and I do get a little cranky, like the wicked witch in Oz I’m melting… ..So delightful the birdsong you hear, that’s a fabulous list. We have many of the same at camp and I enjoy all the different bird song and seeing them at the feeders, brings me much joy! …. As for the critters you have crawling I’m shivering at the picture, snakes scare me but the bandits are adorable…. Hope you get much needed rain there, take care and bear hugs to you. Blessings Francine.

Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

Nice pictures, even of the snake.
A friend was keen on reminding anyone to look up because snakes climb.
Damp and chillyish here in Vermont after some nice days in May.

WoolenSails said...

Your yard is wonderful and your gardens are beautiful. That is a lot of birds and critters, I rarely see any raccoons here, mostly bunnies.


Shrimpton and Perfect said...

Your little jungle looks so lush and so many birds. We love our local birdsong, sometimes it sounds as though we are in a rain forest. Oh and those critters of yours, adorable. I even like snakes, well, not afraid of them anyhow. I hope you get some refreshing rain soon.

Farm Girl said...

What an awesome weather vane. I love that so much! I love your green, green jungle. Is that your handwriting? My goodness, that is just beautiful.
Not to mention the amazing birds you can now identify. Cute raccoons. I had one as a pet when I was a young woman, and never have I had a pet that was not really like a pet.
Her name was Misty. I have been gone and traveling in and across America.
Very enlightening.
As far as I could see with people we came into contact, not a single person was in favor of what is in the news. People were very outspoken about everything. It was quite interesting and eye opening. Now I am trying to figure out what it was I used to do.

yaya said...

I love that weathervane! So cool! Your jungle is so lovely! I also have a few Miss Kim lilacs. They are so fragrant! We have lots of birds here too. I don't know their songs and I joke that sometimes the noise coming from our woods sounds like monkeys! Our visitors last week had the windows opened and I warned them about the early birds that will sing them awake. They weren't disappointed! They kept the windows closed the next night! Just a brother sold his house on Lake Nokomis and will be moving at summer's end to his daughter's town a few hours south of Tomahawk. Take care Robin!

Lori from Notforgotten Farm said...

loverly gardens my dearest...
but that weather vane has my head spinning!!!!!!
we have blacksnakes here, but only have seen a few this year...although they snatch and egg or two occasionally, they are welcomed to keep the mice out of the feed in the barn!

addictivesunayna said...

I absolutely adore 'My Little Jungle'! 🌿🌺 The vibrant array of plants and the lush greenery create a magical oasis.
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