Saturday, August 24, 2024

How Does Your Garden Grow?


Crow, Cranky Crow...
How does your garden grow?

With silver bells,

...and cockle shells...

And a fluffle of bunnies all in a row.

To make your own bunny planter:
After danger of frost, plant a variety of colorful annuals in a large barrel or planter.
Water every other day, depending on precipitation; fertilize every 7-10 days.
Deadhead perennial blooms as needed (if there are any left).


jabblog said...

I know they're probably a pain but the bunnies are so sweet.

Nancy said...

I love your generosity.

Shrimpton and Perfect said...

Your flowers are very pretty and the bunnies are adorable. I know they are a nuisance but very cute.

Betty said...

That made me giggle. I love sarcasm. We've only had 1 rabbit visit (pronoun unknown) it comes and goes.

Rugs and Pugs said...

Sweet post ;-)

Anonymous said...

Oh I know they must ruin your planters and gardens but how do you say no to those sweet bunnies???? Such a sweet post.

NMK said...

Oh this would be cute to do , but I don't need bunnies in my yard . LOL

Mary, Windy Meadows Farm said...

How wonderful and sweet - surely that’s a good omen that they’ve chosen your flowers as a safe spot to snuggle down into. It will be something to see them grow and play! Very kind of you to water around them - not everyone would do that. (Hmmm-that doesn’t seem “cranky” to me - just how did you come up with that name?! I guess Caring Crow doesn’t have quite the same ring to it!)

WoolenSails said...

That is so cute, love that idea. We have had them burrow into our deep grass, so we have to be careful and check before we mow. We also have a lot of thickets surrounding us, so it gives them a good place to hide.

marly said...

All animal babies are cute, even opossum, but bunnies take the gold. Feed them well! We had one adult, something got it, I miss him.

Donna said...

So cute and great pics.

Lori from Notforgotten Farm said...

cutest babies ever.....

Primitive Stars said...

Happy Labor Day Sweet Crow, hope your having a good morning… oh my those are sweet bunnies even though eating your beautiful blooms.. I miss them here at our camp as we put a small fence around so Bambi does not get out. Now no more bunnies but I get they are naughty too…. Enjoy your day, love and hugs Francine.

yaya said...

We have many cute bunnies here at the Pines but I cringe when i see them try and destroy my gardens! Your plantings are lovely but it's almost time around here and I'm sure up by you, to think of mums and Fall! Soon our favorite time will be upon us! I hope you had a nice Labor Day weekend. Take care Robin!

Julia said...

Oh so cute but they grow fast and multiply faster. I love the cuteness of them but not destruction that come with them. Your gardens and flowers are so lovely. I'm glad that you are enjoying the babies. I hope that they don't become a pest problem for you. Hugs,