Thursday, October 24, 2024

The Truth....


The truth is I never really want Halloween to come.
I just want it to always be October.

Yes, I love Halloween madly...but just imagine if it was always October and you could always be looking forward to it and anticipating it!
And when it's Halloween, we start all over again.

{View from my laundry room window.}

Just a thought....


Fall came upon us fast and furious.  Like many of you going through droughts, I didn't know what we'd have for color - everything just looked brown and dead.
But it came - and was gone just as quickly it seems.

The harvest full moon was spectacular, although I'm disappointed I didn't catch the comet.

Due to the wedding, the work involved in the aftermath of the lightning strike, and a mess of doctor appointments and procedures, my Halloween decorating was significantly minimized this year.

Even if it weren't, you've mostly seen it all before in other years' posts so it's just me missing it.  😉

I do have a few new treasures. (So much for that promise....)

A little racoon paw holding a bouquet:

Definitely not everyone's cup of tea but, if you don't know it by now, neither am I.

And this little guy is "Comfy in the Crypt," by the very talented Cyn Tennant.
He's carved from clay and makes his crypt in an antique mold form.

It was difficult to get a great photo, but the detail is amazing.

I also finally finished up two cross stitch pieces.  The first is "October 31st 1693" by The Blackberry Rabbit.

This piece almost was given the Marly treatment (i.e., meeting its end by fire.)

It is stitched on a 32-count pre-printed linen by Fabric Flair.
First, I am NOT a fan of 32-count.
Used to be, but not anymore as it most usually (and did in this case) requires two strands of floss...which, in turn, requires railroading each stitch (if you're a stitcher, you know...if not, just know it makes stitching more time consuming).  I much prefer stitching on 36-count or, better yet, 40-count.

In addition, I struggled with judging the actual borders of the linen due to weird selvedge edges and misjudged.  I had the witch 3/4ths completed when I realized she was too high and if stitched as charted, I would cover the "October 31st 1693" header.

There was too much to rip out without seriously damaging the linen or my by-then fragile state of mind, so I ordered a new piece of linen and started over.

Then, to exacerbate my frustrations, the "newspaper print" on both pieces of linen was VERY light. 
I decided to distress it after it was stitched using a fine paintbrush and walnut stain.

I wish I hadn't distressed it, but I am NOT stitching this a third time!

And this is "Trick or Treat Cat" by M Designs.

Not necessarily my typical fare but it appealed to my love of vintage Halloween.

This was a kit (I think?) which was started by another stitcher who decided she didn't care to finish it so she offered it as a giveaway and I was the lucky winner.
I confess I undid quite a bit of what was stitched and really changed up the floss colors.  The "as charted" were just too neon for me.
I also removed a smiling Jack-o-Lantern in the lower left corner and added another bat instead.  

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

Seven days and counting....


Saundra said...

Love your Halloween witchy stitchery project. Since I don't do that I'm totally ignorant of the challenges you faced. But don't think I could handle such delicate threads at all ~ give me a big honking wool strip and I'm good to go, lol.

Rugs and Pugs said...

I love everything about this post, uh, except for that raccoon paw. Seriously I think that is even too weird for you, ET!!!
The comfy in the Crypt is just very cool.
How do you get such great moon pictures? Mine are not even close to yours. Sadly, I did not see the comet, either.
Love the Happy Halloween cross stitch. I only stitched on 40 count once and to say it was challenging is an understatement...but my eyes are MUCH older than yours!

jabblog said...

Beautiful October colours. I like the trick or treat cat, especially the eyelashes!

Nancy said...

Racoon's paw, holding a dead bouquet! Where do you find such things! I'd like to think that the Racoon was once beloved and, sort of like Victorian mourning jewelry, was made into a memorial piece...🖤

Betty said...

Of all I love the weather vane most and of course your stitched witch. Yeah I don't know what happened to October as our weather here is typical for November if I remember correctly. October forever!!!

NMK said...

A fun post ...your spooky new decorations are fun ! I Love October too , my daughter , her daughter & son are all October Babies ! We will be together this weekend to celebrate .
Our leaves were pretty , but not much pretty crimson colors and the leaves are falling quickly here due to the drought.
Love your cross stitching !
Have a nice weekend !!!

yaya said...

I love your stitching! I'm so glad you didn't give it the fire treatment! Yes, October is the best month and I'm always sad when it's over. This week it's the peak color time here and even with our drought it's been so beautiful! I enjoy my decor even if it's a bit over the top. I do have witches spread out over the house and even bought a new pic that I'll blog about. So let's just grab a cup of tea and sit back and savor this last week of the best month ever!