Thursday, February 27, 2025

The Disappearing Crow

Yes, I've been gone again.
And, like all other of my disappearances, this one was not for enjoyment.

The short version of the story is that I got sick...very sick. Hospital-stay sick.  After an ambulance ride and a day and night in the ER, I was diagnosed with a kidney infection (not a bladder infection like I was told earlier in the week) and sent home with medications....
 But I didn't get better.
No doubt, as the hospital called me within 24 hours and wanted me re-admitted as my tests showed a "rare strain" of bacteria which was resistant to all oral antibiotics except one.
And, given my amazing luck, it was the one and only antibiotic to which I am allergic.
As a result, I needed special antibiotics administered by the hospital.
(And, given my son's amazing luck, he totaled his car coming to take me back to the hospital. 😞 )

After a week of additional testing...and me being my cranky self...they decided to insert a picc (a "peripherally inserted central catheter") in my arm so I could administer the antibiotics myself and sent me home.

I am slowly recovering.  The antibiotics were finally stopped and the picc line was removed last week.
I am still compromised - incredibly tired and weak, but I'm getting there.

I have, however, missed the past several weeks.
My house is caught midway between Christmas take-down (serves me right for procrastinating in that department) and Valentine's Day and, at most times, I am still uncertain of what day it is.

There are a dozen and a half things to catch up on, missed deadlines, and unmet expectations, but they will have to wait.
Accepting that part of "this" has been difficult.

One thing that I've neglected is replying to some of the (later) comments on my last post.
For that, I apologize; however, I was literally unable to read or process things for a while. But please know that I have since read them and my lack of a reply does not diminish their meaningfulness in any way.

To those of you who checked in on me, thank you.
You're a special kind of light.

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