Sunday, July 2, 2023

Yesterday's Roses


The days are slipping by while I am still standing still.  More than three weeks have passed since I last posted and I have little to show for the time, and even less to say.
So I thought I would show you yesterday's roses and a few other random photos.
We had one good rain a week ago, and that has been all. This is typically when our drought season starts but this year it has gotten a wicked head start.
Things have been hot and humid - the days smoke-filled and hazy from the wildfires. So, in some of the photos below, you may notice the gauziness of the skies in the background.

{Wisteria on Cornzebo}

{The teeny, tiny, house in Nod}

{Follow the red brick road....}

I continue to stitch a little - mostly on littles.  The Isle of the Unfinished, however, is becoming grossly overpopulated, so I have committed (🤣) to do better at final finishes.  

This is "Keeper of the Pins" by With Thy Needle & Thread.  I finished the stitching over a year ago, but now it is truly finished:

And this is "1864 Sampler House" by Chessie and Me:

Little Mia continues to grow.

And I continue to look up.

One never knows what one might see up there.

* * * * * * * * * * *
Happy July my friends - and Happy belated Canada Day to my friends across the border.


Saundra said...

Beautiful landscaped property and beautiful home which doesn't look too little to me. You're right one never knows what one might see up there. Skinwalker ranch and Beyond Skinwalker ranch is getting VERY interesting.
Little Mia appears to have done well and good growth too.

Saundra said...

Oh, congrats on your finishing two projects; two down from that pile.

NMK said...

Little Mia is adorable !!! Little babies stay smaller a little longer ...Love that part !!!
Your cross stitching patterns look so pretty !!!
Oh that Hazy sky , we have that here too ....has been pretty bad the past few days .
Your home in Nod looks beautiful !
Happy 4 Th Of July !!!

Julia said...

I'm so happy that you gave us an update on little Princess Mia. She's adorable and has grown a lot. Just wait for those precious smiles that will melt your heart, if she hasn't smiled yet. You'll have to share one of those pictures.

Oh, Robin, I have landscape envy. Your property is so impeccably landscaped, I'd sit out on the doorstep to admire it all day.

I love both of your textile projects. Such a perfect job. Congratulations on taking them off the pile of unfinished projects.

I've looked up there but seldom can see the sun, but when it comes out, it gets so hot all of a sudden.

Take care, hugs.

yaya said...

I love your garden of Eden in Nod! Such a sweet place and I love that red road! Look how precious that Princess Mia is. They grow too fast so, as my sister always says, give her a squish and a kiss! We're having a hot and humid weekend with rain and sun mixed. I'll take it after such a dry June. I think your stitch work is beautiful. I'm so not talented in that area but I'm talented in admiring others like you! Have a good July 4th up there! Oh, that sky would look so good in an October twilight!

marly said...

I love that Sampler House frame. LOVE. Great job on the little pillow finish too. Your property is so beautiful. I would be spending my days outside, just gazing. We all at times seem to be standing still as the world goes by. These days, that's a good thing. Glad to see baby Mia is doing well!

acorn hollow said...

Ohhh I would want to kiss those puggy cheeks all the time!!!
Your home is lovely♡beautiful landscaping. Your stitching is perfection. And your roses are very much like mine great minds.

Prims By The Water said...

Aw Mia is so sweet and adorable. I am sure you are such a proud gramma. We have been under the haze of the wildfires too and sometimes we smell plastic so that is not good. I keep Tundra on a leash as I dont want hi outside that long. Sweet stitches. So glad you are finishing some of them up. I know it must feel good to have completed these now. Janice

Rugs and Pugs said...

Your house and yard are beautiful!
Oh how I loved my wisteria but it was so invasive I cut it down...though it refuses to die.
Little Mia is just too cute. You must be over the moon in love ;-)

oldgreymareprimitives said...

Good for you in finishing projects and for posting! Accomplishments both, Mia is adorable and I envy her dressing gown. She is already showing great taste : D

Every day has it troubles but look at that sweet girl and remember how very blessed you are that she is healthy and growing, and will soon know what a great friend she'll have in her grandma, meemaw or nana?

jabblog said...

This world keeps turning whether we will it or not but there's still much to be thankful for.
Mia looks so huggable.

Heritage Hall said...

Whatever you see, I see Il Paradiso .....O the wisteria -the flora and fauna... the impeccable planning and care...the stitchery and finishes....brag on them; they are noteworthy. Urgings put aside, Mia cheers the heart and brings a warm
adorable. Sorry about the fringes of the wildfires...hoping for their demise... Have
a relaxing and restorative Independence holiday...Just love your blog.

Shrimpton and Perfect said...

A very happy July to you too my friend. Thank you for the peek into your gardens. As always your stitching projects look fab.

WoolenSails said...

I love your landscaping, mine is a mixed mess. The more I see beautiful cross stitch, the more tempted I get to do a few small ones, I do love the look. Mia is adorable and such a sweet photo.


Lori from Notforgotten Farm said...

beautiful place you serene! ~ little one is getting big too :)
I am always looking up...much to the dismay of my family, as I constantly trip over things LOL
blessed be,

Farm Girl said...

Its a beautiful place where you live. So sorry about that smoke. But, you have a beautiful grand daughter. Aren't babies just lovely? I think no matter what I may be feeling at the moment, they are always such a sweet gift.
Mine make me laugh until my sides ache.
Well, I don't think I have written a post since April.
My more neglected blog.
Your roses are so pretty. I do love your house.
After moving here, I really do love small houses.
I get finished. I love that.
I hope you have a lovely weekend. I couldn't tell you what I have been doing either. I hope you get rain soon.

Primitive Stars said...

Morning Robin, Happy Belated July 4th and thank you to the nod of Canada Day…. Love your wee home and the landscaping is beautiful, that Wisteria is amazing….. little darling Mia is so precious, such a sweet wee face….. both stitches are wonderful, I’m very fond of houses on anything so it spoke to me….. Darn forest fires are so bad, my heart goes out to all the wildlife and people….. Nothing new here, enjoying my weekdays at camp, love being there….Take care sweet friend, sending lots of love. Summer Blessings Francine . said...

What sweet samplers— nice colour plan too. Your yard/gardens are immaculate and the glimpse of your home looks so inviting. Besides being adorbs, Mia looks like she is clever, taking in the world with those wide eyes. I am sure you’re beyond proud too.

annie said...

Hello Dear friend, I am so thankful for your friendship. Your home is wonderful, oh the stories that could come from the beauty in your landscape.
The baby is precious, I do love her little serene expression,, and her gown!
I had to stop and admire your finishes, both are just wonderful!
I hope the fires die out quickly, and the rain comes to where it's needed. Such a sad thing, another in a long list of them.
But hope comes in the morning, so you & me will keep looking for it! Hugs! Annie

Jan Hebert said...

Oh Robin! So much has happened since I last heard from you! I'm so sorry about your mother passing, but such a wonderful thing you and your sister did in burying little Keith with her. And you lost Snowdog...always so hard to lose our beloved animals. But now I read that you have a beautiful little granddaughter! Mia is just precious! I'm so happy for you! I hope I can figure out how to get your blog posts again. Not sure what happened there. I have missed you and your followers! Jan in MA

Mohammad Mahtab said...

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