Sunday, October 6, 2024

Teaching an Old Crow New Tricks...

 I've not much to say...but I finally got the new pc set up and wanted to see if I could actually manage a blogpost.

Fingers crossed.

I know some were expecting wedding photos and I promise I will share some...if I somehow manage to figure out how to transfer what is salvageable data from my old hard drive here...and figure out where, exactly, my photos go when I try to upload them.

Change doesn't come easily to me and I get very attached to old ways.
And, frankly, I haven't had time to experiment.
The lightning damage is worse than I initially realized.  I have managed to get the backup generator and the pool system repaired and, obviously, replaced my pc. This next week will be spent trying to get my wells up and running.
No small task given that replacing the pump for the main house involves cutting down my tree (Lauren...I feel your pain intensely), removing plantings and landscaping and trying to relocate a very large...and very heavy...concrete birdbath.

I sometimes feel as though I just can't handle anything more...then I think of those who lost everything in the wake of Helene...and I feel ashamed.


What you get today is just some random photos that somehow managed to migrate to a place I can find them.

Halloween decorating has been put mostly on hold for yet another year.
I have pulled out a few favorites or easily accessible pieces and will call it good.
One piece that somehow didn't find its way back to where it was supposed to be is this piece I stitched last year.  I don't think I've posted it...if I have, my apologies.

 "Pumpkins Three" by La-D-Da. (Sorry for the glare.)
The frame should have been larger, but it was a premade frame that didn't come larger...and I liked it, so I forced it.
Seeing it here, I may decide to reframe it....
Or not.

On the fun side of things, my daughter-in-law and I took little Mia for her first visit to the pumpkin patch at the orchard.

It was a picture-perfect day and I'm glad to say Mia found a pumpkin she loved enough to bring home.

We are under a frost advisory for tonight and I should move a few plants that are still thriving indoors.
But I won't. 
I'm truly tired of watering.

Hoping your Sunday was good to you.

Monday, September 16, 2024

A Quick Check-in...

Little Crow is getting married this weekend and things have been crazier than normal.  
If my penchant for procrastination and late-onset anxiety weren't enough to deal with right now,  a rogue storm rolled through Sunday morning leaving me without power for over 4 hours and doing a great deal of damage - including, but not limited to, decimating my back-up generator, my pool pump/robot cleaning system, garage lights, wireless remote light switches, and my pc hard drive.

Why me? Why now???

Anyways, it may be a while before I catch my breath and things return to the low hum of my old "normal," so I wanted to do a quick check-in to let you know I'm still here even if I won't manage to keep up with checking in on blogs, etc.

Since my photos (and most of the rest of my life) are on my defunct pc, you get some random, unedited (i.e., no attempt to remove blur), photos from my camera roll..and posted from my Ipad which is always a bit of a challenge.

{Love the way the sunshine reflects off my favorite crow's wings...}

{The hibiscus is putting on their final summer show....}

{The moon has been so spectacularly orange it reminds me of those jelly orange slice candies some nights...}

{I tried to disguise a black-and-blue toe (fall down the patio stairs) with a pedicure.  I wasn't entirely successful....}

{A little dark stitching - "Jack's Bash" by Plum Street Samplers....}

{Rajah Roo...pretty much summing up how I feel at the end of each day...and, truth be told, at the start of many as well....}

I have the honor of walking Miss Mia down the aisle.
  Wish me luck.
She's too little to hold me up. 

Saturday, August 24, 2024

How Does Your Garden Grow?


Crow, Cranky Crow...
How does your garden grow?

With silver bells,

...and cockle shells...

And a fluffle of bunnies all in a row.

To make your own bunny planter:
After danger of frost, plant a variety of colorful annuals in a large barrel or planter.
Water every other day, depending on precipitation; fertilize every 7-10 days.
Deadhead perennial blooms as needed (if there are any left).

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Such As It Is....

This time of year, I generally post photos of my yard and gardens.
But, as I mentioned to Lauren (Rugs and Pugs), when I went out to take a few photos, I realized how dismal my gardens are this year.

I have lots of excuses of course:  Been busy; got a late start (had planned on not planting hoping to be at the lake...but...); my usual "go-to's" were gone when I did finally go; the Great Rabbit Invasion of Nod; monsoon-type rainfall; etc., etc.


But, as has been said, excuses build bridges to nowhere and tunnels to nothingness.

And since I have nothing else blog-worthy to say or show, you're getting a brief tour of my yard...such as it is.


{Black Velvet Petunias}



{Hydrangeas gone rogue...I can no longer see out of my kitchen window}

{Volunteer calibrachoa and baby's breath on my steps}

{First of the hibiscus beginning to bloom}

{Cornzebo all cleaned up}

{Petunias, osteospermum, and angelonia}

{...and Japanese beetles...LOTS of Japanese beetles...I literally just put this trap out}

And there you have it...such as it is.

Sunday, July 28, 2024

Beautiful Things in Humble Places...

The older I get, the more I find myself looking backward, rather than forward.
And, somehow, even harsh memories are softened with the warm glow of time.

While summers growing up found me essentially completely cut-off from everyone but immediate family, the days were full.
Daylight hours (after chores, of course) were most usually spent roaming the fields, pastures and woods of our little 80-acre farm.
Mostly the woods...

The woods I roam these days aren't the familiar woods of my youth but they still hold a measure of magic...and beautiful things.

Look you see him?

My peek-a-boo partner for the day.

A young albino buck....
See the velvet of his newly-sprouted antlers?

We played a good long while but I failed to get great photos...alas, he was much better at the game than I.

Beautiful things in humble places....

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Rough Waters

It's been the better part of a year since I've been here to stay.
Much has changed, much never will.

I was apprehensive about what I would find as a tornado had touched down on the other side of the lake about a week and a half prior.

{Boat and lift flipped completely upside down.}

Thankfully, my little island was unscathed.

I have been here a week.
My days have been spent cleaning, making lists, searching for things that are no longer where they were...things that are, simply, no longer anywhere.

More pieces to pick up, more holes to fill.

Inevitably, and sadly, some pieces will never fit back together, some things will never be found, and some holes will never be filled.

The latest (3rd? 4th?) phase of remodeling is relatively complete.

{Yes, I know I promised someone before and after photos...I will do that at some point...}

The next phase(s) won't start until January or later.  I need to catch my breath and see if my heart is still here.

The first few days were difficult.  No television, no phone, no internet.  No overhead fans working, garbage disposal not working, leak in the laundry room, broken front porch light, broken back door, light switches not working, non-functioning clocks, no window screens... Too much activity on the lake, too many fireworks, too much filth, too much to do, too many memories, too many ghosts, too many haunts.
And something of which I cannot yet speak.

But the days were pleasantly warm, and the sun shone.
I caught the swans and their young swimming in the far bay.

That, too, changed, however.  The clouds moved in, the winds quickened and the lake darkened.

There's still rough waters ahead.

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Rajah's Ride, Country Sampler and the Weather in Nod no particular order....

But, let's start with Rajah's ride anyway.

In my last post I mentioned that there were a great many things going on in the background of my world that I doubted you would care to read about.
Your comments and responses were so very heart warming.
Many of the things are trivial...many are unpleasant...and most I feel would likely be "TMI."  But several of you asked specifically about Rajah's dryer ride.

Well, here goes.

Rajah has always had an affinity for hanging out in the dryer.

I have been warned (repeatedly) by well-meaning, animal-loving, friends how dangerous this can be.

I know.

After a life full of animals and pets, many years of schooling (including at the school of common sense), and too many years of experience, trust me, I KNOW.

But I NEVER leave clothes in the dryer once the cycle has ended. (On the rare occasion I have forgotten and have, I rewash the clothes and start over due to wrinkling, etc. so it's a torture I'd prefer to avoid.)
And, besides, I'd obviously notice a 20+# cat in there when I put the wet clothes in.

Except I didn't.
I had stripped the guest bed and dried things on the line, but one blanket I do in the dryer.
After several loads of washing sheets, pillowcases and protectors, mattress pads, etc., the final load was the blanket.
I tossed in the dryer, turned it on and walked away.
Thinking there was something wrong with the dryer, I walked back to the laundry room and shut down the dryer....


...opened the door...


And out from the wet folds of the blanket - a bit disoriented and even a more bit put out - crawled Rajah.

In my defense, he had not been caught napping in the dryer in a long, long, time but how I did not notice him in there I do not know.

In any event, he does not seem any worse for the wear...and he's forgiven me.

I think.

In other news, I made my (second) annual trip to Country Sampler in Spring Green. (For those unfamiliar with Country Sampler, it has no connection with the magazine publication.  It started as a quilt store and then morphed into a quilting/cross stitch store and has become a destination mecca for many stitchers worldwide.)

I wish I could say the trip was uneventful, but things in my life never quite seem to be "uneventful."  I drive an older vehicle (2016) and the gps in it has never been updated.  (It is a foreign model, and the nearest service dealer is 2-1/2 hrs away.)  What should have been a 3-hr trip ended up taking 4 hrs due to a bridge that was out.
The detour wound me through roads with hairpin turns, sharp drop-offs and absolutely no shoulders to pull over on nor any towns or civilization to speak of, with my gps constantly trying to redirect me back to the way I originally intended on taking because it wasn't picking up the detour.


After about 40 minutes, I finally came to a widening in the road with a bar and 3 houses and pulled over hoping to get some reassurance I was heading the right way.
Upon closer inspection, however, the bar had both a "for sale" and a "closed" sign.
And let's just say the houses were a bit too sketchy for even the likes of me to approach even if any of them had looked inhabited...which they didn't.

Worst of all, my phone had absolutely no network down there, so no outgoing calls or internet (including gps via phone) other than 911.

I still had a little over a quarter of a tank of gas and kept going and finally did get there. But seriously???

The time there was thoroughly enjoyable.  We stitched, we shopped, we were serenaded by a very gifted musician playing in the little park area outside the open windows of our rooms above the shop, ate homemade ice cream, and shopped and stitched some more.

The shop, of course, was full to overflowing with temptations and deliciousness -all decked out with a patriotic, summer vibe.

{Yes, I have a twin to this sweet angel girl....}

I did not purchase much...just a few pieces of linen, and some fabric - and a pattern I've wanted for some time.

And a whale...yes, I purchased a whale.

His name is Humphrey, and he will go to live at the lake...eventually.

The trip home was (blessedly) less eventful having received help researching an alternative route.

It wasn't quite as scenic as my original route or the detour but beautiful, nonetheless.  At least there were shoulders to the roads in some places.

So I am home now, playing catch up with all the background noise.

The trip inspired me to drag a few (very few) pieces of my summer/patriotic decor up from the lower level on my bi-daily trips down there to empty the dehumidifier.

{Vintage cross stitch flag}

I have heard in the news and read in posts and comments the severe heat waves many of you are enduring and lack of rain.
I truly wish I could share some of Nod with you.
I am currently wearing two sweatshirts and waiting for the next wave of storms to roll through.
We are in a flood watch right now...some areas due to get up to 4" of rain in 24 hrs. I have had to hook the hose contraption up to my sump pump pipes again - something I typically never have to do once the spring thaw is done.

Plants are drenched and drowning, but I took this photo of my roses-and-wisteria-gone-rogue before the skies opened up.

Wishing relief to those whose who need it.