I have been gone a good long while and, as I mentioned in my last post, I have some serious catching up to do....and I promised to fill in a few of the missing pieces.
So here we go....and, in this case, the emphasis is on the word "missing."
Yes, Snowdog is still here and doing fine (although a bit preoccupied with the unexpected snow we are getting today).
But this is mostly a cattail cat tale. In one of my posts before I fell off the face of Blogland this last time, there was a sneak peek at a new addition to the teeny, tiny, house in the cold, cold, land of Nod; but I don't believe I ever got around to formally introducing her.
So, friends, please meet Liza....a/k/a Liza Bean...a/k/a LuciFur (and, trust me, she truly earned that last moniker):
She came to us as a "rescue" (from my niece's farm where she was found drowning in a pail of water....).
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(Hmmm....water seems to be a recurring theme for her.) |
But she did eventually grow into those ears of hers:
Then, about a year and a half later, I had to say farewell to my beloved Lizzi....
She left this world too very young, and oh how my heart hurt.
An unexpected birthday surprise from my husband a month later, however, brought a smile to my heart again....
How could anyone NOT smile? Those eyes, the purr....the unbelievably soft fur, his snuggles. I don't know who else could have mended my broken heart like Purrcy....or broken it so swiftly and completely when he died two months later as unexpectedly as he had arrived in my world.
I know there are questions...but his story is yet too sad for me to tell.
He was just too good to be true...and now each birthday will be bittersweet for me.
But if my heart was shattered by losing Purrcy, my pain was exacerbated by witnessing that of Liza's. She did not eat for days...and I would catch her lurking in some of her and Purrcy's favorite "play" spots...waiting...and waiting for her playmate. You see, those two had bonded beyond anything I ever thought imaginable. And as surely as you and I have a heart, so does she...and clearly it was broken as completely as mine was.
So, with great reluctance, and quite of bit of trepidation, we welcomed another new kitten to the teeny, tiny, house in the cold, cold, land of Nod: Rajah Roo.
No kitteh could ever replace Purrcy, but Rajah really isn't just any kitteh, and has at least "distracted" us.
I cannot say that Liza Bean has bonded with him as tightly as she did with Purrcy, but Rajah is...well...his own purrson LOL....
So...there you have it, 2 years of fur baby history at the teeny, tiny, house in the cold, cold, land of Nod in a nutshell...Ok, a rather "large" and LONG nutshell, but a nutshell nonetheless.
And, yes, I actually started the next part of the WWR Chronicles...but somehow am having some photo issues in that regard. So, stay tuned...or not!
Oh my. Smiling after one sentence and crying at the next, then again. So sorry for the heartbreak. Wishing the newest family members a happy healthy life.
You are a great story teller! My heart breaks for you. It is so hard to lose a furbaby. I hope the newest addition helps mend the heart. I was very happy to hear Snowdog is alive and well.
I do believe Nod is cold, cold, cold, but I doubt your house is that teeny tiny!
Looking forward to hearing more from the land of Nod.
I was teary eyed reading your post. We had to put down our Peepers kitty down and it was hard on us both. Our pests are such a part of our family. Stay warm in Nod my friend. Polar Vortex hits next week. Janice
Awww...all I kept thinking was...they were so blessed to find you for the time they had you! Pets are such special gifts! Yes, it hurts when we say goodbye. Hugs...from the other side of Nod....
Hi Robin,
We certainly do give our hearts to those sweet fur babies and then feel them breaking when we lose them!! I do hope that the two kitties will become the best of friends and that everyone's heart will be mended in time!! It is SO NICE to have you back to blogging!!!
Sending you some AZ sunshine to brighten up cold, cold Nod!!
Heart Hugs, my friend~
Julie xo
Lovely kitties. I love the stories too. I am so glad you have the poor kitty who could have drown.
Stay warm.
Hi Robin, good to see you back! Stay warm this coming week, winter has finally arrived, unfortunately. Beautiful kitten pictures, sorry about the sad story of the one. Hope your new one is doing well.
Oh I am so sorry how awful for you. We had a kitty that was a stray that was with us for 20 years we mourn her still years later and have not had the heart to get another.
thinking of you
The loss of a furbaby is huge. They are our everything. I have a wee "Toasted Marshmallow" grandbaby~ I love her~ such beauties! (Sardine)
Hi Robin and I am SO HAPPY that you have returned!!!!! I was one of those little followers who found you late but always enjoyed your thoughts and discussions. First of all, I am so sad about your loss of precious feline friends. Last December, we lost our beloved Kitty after 14 1/2 years. The pain was so fierce and we still haven't been able to take on another. I totally get your feelings of loss and maybe 2019 will bring us both a special feline who will be healthy and help us heal from the losses of the past.
It is hard to pick up pieces when one has felt battered about or perhaps launched into the open waters without a pilot or an anchor. I am glad that your blog friends have been a source of fun and joy for you.
We all enjoy sharing together and that makes life a little sweeter.
For myself, I am interested in whatever you wish to share. Isn't that the beauty of blogging? There are no rules and friends are invited to share their experiences.
Well, way up there in the land of Nod, I know you all are hunkered down for that Arctic Blast. Stay safe and warm ,and again, it is so great to hear from you again!!
So sorry, how terrible. Hugs to you!
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