Sunday, February 23, 2020

Silent Words

Actions speak louder than words, so it is said.
But the Yupik (Eskimos) also believe that thought is equally as important as action.  Just because something is not said out loud doesn't mean its intent is not articulated or received.  In other words, silence is an act and you don't have to talk to say something.

So there you have it.... Just because I have been silent does not mean that I have not thought of you...for I have....and my thoughts have spoken volumes.  

Not buying it, huh?  Ok...well, consider it your anthropology lesson for the day then.

In any event, I am truly still here...although most days I feel like this.

It is winter in Nod, and I hate winter.  'Nuf said.

Late summer this past year, we purchased a (vacation) home on a lake "north of Nod" (yes, there is, indeed, something north of Nod).  We had little time to enjoy it before winter was upon us, but I still go there when I can to hear a different silence.  I need to make the house of it more "me" and so have spent a great deal of time trying to figure out which me that's going to be, since it seems to change on a dime. Those of you who recall "The WWR Chronicles" may remember that I have a devil of a time "visualizing" and that attribute, like so many others, is not improving with age.

Aside from that, I have done a bit of stitching....and a bit of hooking.  (I sincerely hope Lauren, Saundra and Kim were sitting down for that last part.)

I was trying to recall what I have stitched but it occurred to me that, while I have finished STITCHING several (small) pieces, I have neglected the "finishing" part of them.  I did, however, (really) finish this little needle roll:

A BlackBird Designs pattern from their "Ooo La La" booklet

I had to laugh because when reading Marly's post from yesterday, she mentioned a counting error she had made.  As I told her, usually I am a stickler for exact counting...I count several different ways from different reference points so no errors are made.  Except...near the very end of stitching, I realized I had made a 1-stitch error in this one.  I wasted 2 good nights of stitching time looking for it.  When I finally found it, I realized I would have to literally rip out everything other than the last motif since the mistake was in the bird with which I had started and used as my main reference point for the first motif... I knew that much ripping would test even my patience and likely ruin the fabric.  Since I intended to actually use this piece myself and it is, after all, a "primitive" piece, I threw exactitude to the wind and finished up the final motif and moved on to the border.

It was then that I realized the 1-stitch error made in the beginning would affect the border.  But I forged on, compensating for that first error  with another stitch adjustment.  So 1 stitch off, became 2 stitches off.  (You know where this is going, right??)  Then, when I got to the next side, it had to become 3 or it would not work..... And one error compounded into I think 5 or 6 by the time I was done. 

It would not have been so bad, but I had to stitch the piece together so the borders were next to each other.  Holy Hallelujah. 

Well, guess's done.  And done is good.

But, when I look at it, I always feel the need to confess my mistake(s).  Guess it's somewhat like a lie that compounds itself until there are so many the liar has no idea of the truth anymore.

I also finished up this hooked snowflake: 

Pattern by Catherine Stephan, Red Barn Rugs

and this little hooked heart pillow:

Pattern by Catherine Stephan, Red Barn Rugs

I managed to cover my own little button for the flower and, while my backs are nothing like Lauren's, I did manage a little "fru fru":

Well, that's all for the written words and thoughts for now folks.  Remember that your silence make sure all your words..and thoughts...are kind ones.

"Kind Words" by Lori Brechlin of Notforgotten Farm


Saundra said...

It was so wonderful to see your 'written words' yet totally agree with you that not all emotion is spoken. Now I totally understand why I've never desired to do counted cross stitch. No way no how I'd get thru without ripping the dang thing apart.

Chuckled when you mentioned Kelley, Lauren and me in your post. Loved your hooked snowflake.

Every time you have written about "Nod" my mind is trying to conjure up a rug which would be my interpretation of a place called "NOD".

Thank you for emailing me this morning and posting on your blog this afternoon. Glad to have you back.

acorn hollow said...

Loving your hooked pieces and from what I can see you will be the only one who knows that mistake is there.
Love the finish on the heart.

Anonymous said...

Love all your finishes, especially your adorable little needle roll. Can`t see the mistake, love it as is. Chin up, the bulk of winter is behind us!

Prims By The Water said...

That snowflake is a blizard of a design. So love it! Congratulations on a lake home. Look forward to seeing it. I know you will decorate it really well! Janice

Denise said...

I once read some place (long ago) that every piece
of needlework should contain at least one error, so
as not to be 'perfect'.
Personally, I don't have that 'perfect' problem!
Enjoy your needle roll.

Dicky Bird said...

It looks super to me. All of it does. I haven't hooked in a long time. I did buy a kit before Christmas from Red Barn Rugs I want to get back to it. Words do matter and so does kindness.

Janet-Olde Crow Primitives said...

Love your finished. I have been hooking again lately. Trying to finish things up too. I am so happy to see some are back to blogging. FB is ok but I missed blogging so I am back at it. Hopefully others will too. Have a great week.

JustGail said...

It's nice to see a post from you again. I like your needle roll, even if it did wander off from the pattern. Or maybe because it did?

Ms Peppercorn said...

Really like your heading picture.

diamondc said...

I have made mistakes I just go with it, after seeing so many antique samplers with mistakes I feel it is okay and it makes it mine with the little imperfections.
Your needle roll is lovely.
I love seeing rug hooked items, your heart is beautiful as is your snowflake.


Lisa Schindler said...
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laixinjie said...

It's nice to see a post from you again. I like your needle roll, even if it did wander off from the pattern. Or maybe because it did?custom personalized blankets

marly said...

I was thinking of leaving a silent comment, but I just can't keep my mouth shut. I gotta tell ya how thrilled I am to see this post!

My errors are always fattening. Never had one that allowed room for correction. Squeezing stitches to fit like putting on last year's jeans. You did a great job adjusting, no one would know. Your finishing on the hooked pieces look perfect.

Soon the snow will be gone and I hope the lake house will be a soothing retreat.

Rugs and Pugs said...

So good to HEAR from you :)
I know what you mean about finishing finishes. I have many cross stitch pieces sitting in a box...some from years ago.
Well, missy, my hooked hearts this year did not have a patchwork back nor a sweet little heart appliqued on. You win.
So happy to hear you are hooking and stitching.
I am envious that you have a vacation home to decorate. Lucky you. How far is it from Nod?

Farm Girl said...

I have been sick for over a week, and today was the first day I could even get on the computer, and to see that there was a post from you brightened my day. I had to laugh about your story of stitching and finding out you had to add here and there to make it work. That happens to me more often than not. One day I was in an antique store and in this section there was all of these projects that people had done in the past. I stood there looking at it and realized, I stitch for myself, my kids will just give everything to an antique store too, so don't sweat the stitches, no one notices my mistakes but me and after awhile I do forget where they were. I mean if its really glaring, I do take it out, but as that saying says, " don't sweat the small stuff.

I am so glad you have a new house on a lake to fool with. How fun.
I can't figure out this house decorating stuff either. I need to start decorating my house, so I can sell it, but for the life of me, I just can't figure how to do that. I feel your pain.

Hooking??? I am so glad. I loved your hooking projects. My hooking is all packed away now. I miss it so much. I am so glad you did a post. I think about you all the time and wonder what you have been doing and hope you are not buried up to the eves in snow.

I miss you too.

Winnie said...

Happy March, Robin and it was wonderful to click on your site and hear from you!! Your latest projects are very nice and believe me that I would never see the stitching error in a million years! All I see is a darling project in lovely colors that ended quite lovely!

A little cabin on a lake north of Nod, you say??? How fun and cool is that!!!!!!!!!! Wow, no wonder you are musing over how to make it cozy and relaxing and a place to seek refuge and soak in the summer beauty. I cannot wait to see what you come up with and photos of the summer lake all blue and placid. Will there be Loons about calling in the morning and swimming with their new babies along the lake sides?

I find it always a pleasure to read your thoughts and posts. Like we say down here in the deep South, don't make yourself a stranger now, ya Hear?!!! Please drop us a line when you can so we can stay connected. And March is here so Winter is on the last half instead of the first half. Progress is progress!! Hang in there, the Earth is tilting towards the Sun and we are all headed to the time of flowers and long warm days.