Friday, February 5, 2021

Not Feeling the Love

 That pretty much sums it up these days....on so very many levels unfortunately, but I'll stick to the most obvious:
Valentine's Day.
Since I have a predilection for hearts, I have an excuse each year to add splashes of red to the overly white and dreary days of January and February.

And each year I usually do a small cross stitch pinkeep, or even a small punched or hooked piece, to commemorate the uneventful day.

Not this year.

The best I could muster was finally finishing the heart pinkeep I stitched (ahem) 2 years ago that has been lingering in Never Never Finished Land.

{"Love Bird Pincushion" and "Love Letter Needle Keep" from With Thy Needle & Thread's "Be My Valentine" pattern.  Stitched on 35ct Abecedarian from R&R Reproductions using WDW flosses.}

I did pull out a few heart things....

But, with 9 days to go, that will likely be all she wrote.

I also managed to pull out my "intended" holiday project - pattern, linen and floss...  I don't suppose that counts though.

{"Sweetheart Pincushion" by Blackbird Designs}

Perhaps next year.

Our winter has begun in earnest.  We have had several snows since October of course, but yesterday was the biggest snowfall so far this winter.  

This little fella was out and about in the early part of the storm. I hope he made it home safely.

We got a little over 8" (hmmm, the forecast started out at 2")....then the winds came, and now the Frigid Cold.  As in -20ยบ frigid....and that's without the windchill.

Yeah, just not feeling the love.



Kaisievic said...

Wow! That is cold! Brrr! But some lovely Valentine stitching on show, anyway.

oldgreymareprimitives said...

and I complain when it's 40 - my bad

susan hemann said...

right there with you. I've only managed to put out one heart and only because it just came in the mail.

I'm done with Covid and this freezing cold, it feels like -5 right now
yesterday we had gale warnings, today freezing rain squalls

acorn hollow said...

We got a big storm in Dec and then it warmed and rained christmas day and it all melted since then we went very cold and windy and smaller storms here and there. We do have snow on the ground about 5 inches I think which is not much for us, but fine by me. I love your decorations I didn't even get my antique cards out my mother gave me years ago. I am hopeful however my husband got his second vaccine and I get mine this coming Wed and my best friend got her second. She texted me to find out when my 2 weeks after is not sure if she has big plans or what lol.
I hope you feel better each day is one day closer to spring.

Saundra said...

Had a little over 3" of snow last Sunday then the rain on Monday washed a lot of it away. A second snow Tuesday which just coated the ground. But predictions are for another snow this weekend which will be somewhere between 2-6" depending on the wind line. I'm hoping for smaller amounts. Very few hearts put out here and must say you have a far better collection than me. FYI, I'm not feeling the love either.

Julia said...

What a gorgeous picture of a winter wonderland. It's a shame to be thinking of spring when winter looks so pretty but all things considered, I prefer spring.

Your little hearts are all beautiful, and you have a good collection to beautify your home so close to Valentine.

Spring is coming closer and will be here in no time. Stay warm and safe.

Hugs, Julia

Jane and Lance Hattatt said...

Hello Robin,

Well, we have only just found you, but we hope that you really are feeling the love from these very warm and kind comments from your followers.

The snowscape which surrounds you is amazingly beautiful but we can well imagine that it is also bitterly cold. Some years ago, winters in Budapest, where we are, were just like this. Nowadays, they are damp, foggy and not a flake of the white stuff in sight. It might be perverse, but we definitely miss looking out on the beauty that surrounds you right now.

To our shame, even threading a needle is beyond our abilities, so your needlework looks truly wonderful. You obviously have enormous talent and patience, so we hope that you can be inspired to produce more. We cannot imagine anyone not falling in love with such a pretty thing.

Spring is on its way. The days are lengthening and brave shoots are piercing the ground. All will be well. We shall return for more.

Pam said...

I have that same red lunch box! It was my Mom's from her days in grade school. It has a narrow tray that would hold a sandwich too. That's really cool! I found your blog from Notforgottenfarm ... love what your sharing!

NMK said...

Your hearts are all so pretty .... looking forward to Spring & getting outside without freezing too .
Take Care ....we all need some Love being with our family & friends !!!

Jan Hebert said...

Oh my, that's cold! I just love all of your hearts, you have way more Valentine decorations than we do. I'm inspired to create some! I loved the comment from your new readers from Budapest, so nice to hear from people around the world. I'm sorry that their climate has changed so drastically, it makes me appreciate the snow outside my window here in Massachusetts even more. I'd much rather have snow than rain these days - so much nicer in the chicken's run. And it's so cold out that I can walk on top of the snow, haha! It's a layer of ice in some places though which can be treacherous. I'm still enjoying researching Mary Eastey Robin, slow going as I keep going down rabbit holes! Fun though and so interesting. Jan in MA

Rugs and Pugs said...

Well, my dear ET, I am sending you some love.
Your decorating as always is beyond perfection and all your photos are gorgeous. You have a gift!
Cold here...but nothing like your cold. Have I ever mentioned I HATE WINTER???

yaya said...

I have a few things out but not much. I'm also ready for this short month to be over and look hopefully toward Spring. We got 8in of the white stuff too and now comes the bitter cold but not as cold as you! So stay warm and enjoy those cute things you do have out! I did send a Valentine to my sister just to make her smile and then I will get some goodies for the Grandkiddos. Have a good weekend!

Jennie in GA said...

Considering I have nothing out for Valentine’s Day, I think you have done exceedingly well. I especially love the display of cookie cutters. I can’t even imagine all of that snow. It’s beautiful, but.....brrrrr☃️

Prims By The Water said...

How did you finish that first heart Love that however you did it. We are in for more snow and flooding. UGH Dont feel bad about not putting out any Valentines. I only did 2 displays myself this year. Also love your tin hearts. Janice

Ms Peppercorn said...

If it’s red and you pulled it out, it counts. What you do show us is exquisite so thank you for that. I’ll take whatever peeks into your world that I can get and look them over with tiny gasps (good gasps!). I spotted a rabbit out today. Kind of rare during the winter.

WoolenSails said...

You have a lot of beautiful heart pieces. I do love making hearts, but could care less about the holiday. I loved it when I got a big box of chocolates, no fun without that, lol. We have a storm coming in tomorrow, winter is definitely here.


Dicky Bird said...

I'm not feeling the love for the weather either...your creations, however, I am! You are so talented on so many levels. I love your style too!

Constance said...

January has been cold and wet and dark here. It is quite depressing. I love your hearts they are beautiful. Take care and think of spring.

Olde Dame Holly said...

"When winter is deepest, can spring be far behind?" It is hard during January, February, and at least well into March. I can't remember clearly the cold areas I lived in briefly. But I remember Valentine's as always so terribly cold in northern climes. You displays are lovely and stand out all the better for being few. More than I have out this year!

Janet-Olde Crow Primitives said...

Wow......I just love all of your hearts Robin. I also can't wait for spring and this virus to be gone. Everything is so different these days.
Stay warm and have a great week!

moosecraft said...

Winter has been a bummer here too, as in the snowiest we've had in the past 10 years? However, your -20 is simply painful! It's 12 here this morning and it's "uncomfortable".... I can't imagine -20! Stay warm.... Spring will get here....eventually... hugs!

Shrimpton and Perfect said...

Hard not to be down in the dumps with all the worldly nonsense. Each day just blends into the next with no light at the end of the tunnel that we can see. We have snow today very pretty but stops any venturing forth from home.So what’s a girl to do? Well I have just ordered a case of Portuguese wine and some gorgeously woolly socks for my tootsies. I’m also busily encouraging my son Jack to sign up to an online RHS horticultural course to help him establish a new career. He needs to be with nature for his health and soul. Sending you some love from Blighty. Xxx Jean

Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

Love the tin hearts. The bird in the snow photo is lovely.

Valentines is about the leftover candy sales for me. This year, it will be cottage cheesecake instead. :)

Farm Girl said...

Aw that is too bad. I wish you would come to California and decorate my house! I love every single thing you post a picture of and I love all of your hearts. I have not made anything Valentiny at all this year. First time ever.
I just can't imagine that kind of cold. Here in the land of perpetual sunshine. I would love to be snowed in just once.
Is that a grouse? I don't know my birds like that.
I am so glad I checked in on blogland today. I might have missed this.
I just love reading your posts.
Stay warm.

Farmhouse prims said...

Love your Valentine decor. You're finished heart is gorgeous!!! The snow is beautiful, but I am ready for spring. Hugs, Lecia