Thursday, October 28, 2021

Lauren Made Me Do It



Rugs and Pugs said...

I must say he is a pretty cool skeleton…and of course you had the perfect spot for him.

Prims By The Water said...

That is one cool skeleton! Love how you displayed it! Janicce

Saundra said...

OMG, I love it. But Lauren, are you sure it is a HE skeleton, as in a Merman? You will definitely be hearing from me, LOL.

oldgreymareprimitives said...

Original and terrific

Ms Peppercorn said...

This is incredible! I am squealing, in my head mind you! Since I am far from you and not taking your thunder, I have GOT to look into this for next year! I would give you full credit though! Trick or Treating was held last night in my neighborhood and grateful the weather was good. Happy All Hallows Eve Cranky Crow and Followers. It’s the Best time of the year in Ms Peppercorn’s world!

susan hemann said...

lol what a hoot!

Jennie in GA said...

OMG!!! I love this💀

Lady Locust said...

Love Love Love

Beside a babbling brook... said...

Ahhhhhhhh, you found one!!!!!!!!!

A picture of one, that is.

Shadows mutter,
mist replies;
darkness purrs
as midnight sighs.
~Rusty Fischer

Olde Dame Holly said...

Good GRAVE-Y, you are amazing! That is SO horrifying! It is CHILLING! Thoughts worthy of a Stephen King novel jumped into my poor head when I saw that! WOW! Spine-chilling! You done good!

NMK said...

Love this !!!! Fantastic !!! Have a Fun Happy Halloween !!!!

Julia said...

Now that's a Halloween decoration that won't be forgotten so soon. What a tour de force! And Lauren made you do it, heh?
Tell me more about that sweet mermaid. Does she have a name? Is she yours or is it a picture? Thanks for making my day. Everyone should have a mermaid skeleton in their closet.

At any rate, Happy Halloween. Enjoy the weekend. We are having a spectacularly sunny day here.
Hugs, Julia

Jan Hebert said...

Oh, this is too funny! I have to show my daughter, she lives in Scituate by the sea. This would look so cool in her front yard. Gloomy here, predicting over an inch of rain for tomorrow and this is following a Nor'easter that just tore through the state. Thousands of people still without power. We were fortunate to only have a few limbs down. Just small ones but the wind was fierce! But the coastal areas really suffered. Thankfully it was during low tide, it could have been worse. Jan in MA

yaya said...

And people say mermaids don't exist...crazy folks! Love it! Have a very scary and Happy Halloween!

Hootin Anni said...

This is absolutely phenomenal!!! I've not seen anything better.

Hootin Anni said...

Ps...added you to my reading list!