Saturday, July 15, 2023

Sepia Sampler...and Other Things That Begin With "Ssss"

I am still struggling with the souls stranded on the Isle of the Unfinished, but have rescued one:  "Sepia Sampler," a design by Lori Brechlin of Notforgotten Farm, is now finally finished and framed.  (The frame is not as black as it appears in the photo - there are wonderful wood tones that reflect the sepia tones of the sampler colors.)

{Stitched 1 over 2 on 36ct "Wren" by Picture This Plus.}

The smoke from the Canadian wildfires has once again enveloped Nod.
Every morning, every evening and every hour in between is shrouded in haze.

{Smokebush and Echinacea...and wildfire smoke}

This round, the smoke seems particularly irritating to my eyes so I checked on the back gardens, then retreated to my dungeon.

{View from the dungeon}
It's not such a bad place to be considering the "babies" are now hatched and out and about.
You know...those other things that start with "ssss...."

Yes, that streak of red on the left of the photo below is a very forked tongue.
They are every bit as feisty as the adults.

If you don't hear from me in a few weeks, please tell someone to bring bread and water....
On second thought, hold the water...make it wine.


Prims By The Water said...

I did that same cross stitch only framed mine in white, and even before I saw yours have been thinking about painting my frame black. Seeing yours now and I am going to. Love yours too! My smokebush died. I loved it too. Yikes on the baby snake. I would be inside if I saw those. I was weeding one time and did have a baby fox snake come out. Scared the beejeebers out of me. Hope your weekend is going good for you. Janice

Saundra said...

Congrats on another final finish, it looks lovely!!! I'm not a cross stitcher so have no idea what 1 over 2 on 36 means and don't wish to learn as I'd go blind and/or crazy.
The smoke hasn't ventured to Delaware this time, thankfully but the heat and humidity is stifling.
What kind of snake is that? Oh, the other evening as I was exiting the house into the garage I saw what appeared to be a black wool worm. Hmmm, nope, a damn baby black snake WTH???
Good on you making progress on the unfinished stash.

yaya said...

Ssssnakes? Yikes! I know they are beneficial because they do keep the mouse population down but I will leave them alone as long as they keep to their own space! Your cross stitch is lovely and good for you for finishing it! We had a smoke bush but it grew so big it blocked the view of the driveway so we removed it. It was pretty though! No haze from smoke these days just hot and humid. The rain they keep saying we're going to have hasn't happened yet but the humidity is suppose to get less by Tuesday. Have a good week in Nod!

jabblog said...

Beautiful cross-stitch but 36 count? Your eyesight must be excellent and the light just brilliant.
The babies are fascinating - from a distance.

oldgreymareprimitives said...

Yesssss on the sampler -gorgeous as always and you said you hadn't been finishing...:D

and no shiiiiiiiiiiiit on the snakes

Farm Girl said...

What a beautiful sampler. Its time now for me to enter my dungeon. Supposedly 115 today. I think it might make it to 110. It was already 87 at 6:00 A.M. I had to water my garden.
I do hate looking at the sky when there is smoke.
I do not like snakes no matter how pretty.
Of course beneficial. I hope you have a lovely day.

Shrimpton and Perfect said...

I do hope you are safe from the Canadian wildfires, I don't like the sound of that smoke. I do like the look of your snakes though, I think they are most times given a bad press. Take care.

Dicky Bird said...

your posts are always lovely i read back the ones i missed im typing 1 handed so ill comment only on one your grand is cute!

Rugs and Pugs said...

That frame sets off the sampler beautifully!!! Isn't is great to cross something off the list?

WoolenSails said...

That is a beautiful sampler and beautiful work. It's a shame that you are still living with the smoke. We seem to be more clear now, but with the heat and humidity, hard to be outside long and then it rains, not the best summer for any of us. Is that snake poisonous? It is beautiful, snakes have never bothered me, but we have no poisonous ones here.


marly said...

That frame fits that sampler perfectly. Or .. that sampler fits that frame perfectly. Very nice design and colors, congrats on a final finish.

I am so envious of your views, no idiots in sight, just nature. Snakes aren't too bad for me, spiders send me flying. You must have a damn good zoom on your phone!

I'm sorry to ask, but what is that large alien eyeball?

Julia said...

Congratulations on finishing another beautiful sampler. Me and snakes are not friends.
You are so brave to take a picture of this big snake. I wouldn't want to stay anywhere near where they live. You are brave...

Take care.
Hugs, Julia

Primitive Stars said...

Good morning Robin, such a beautiful sampler, I love it! The frame compliments it so….. Those fires are so terrible, no stopping them which leaves me so sad..Hope it clears for you soon so you can enjoy the days outdoors but the view from your dungeon is beautiful. As for the snakes not so much, yikes!! Take care, I’ll come with wine, I wish but then I might never leave, lol… Bear Hugs, Francine.

Lori from Notforgotten Farm said...

late to the commenting, but such a beautiful finish you have my dear...perfect frame!
we don't mind the black snakes, but you can kindly keep any of the others please and thank you!
L said...

Wear a mask if you venture out— safest thing. We in Canada are very sorry for the smoke and fire. I had to Google what is burning now as there have been so many fires . Looks like BC is the culprit now. Your sepia cross stitch is just exquisitely nice! Love it! Laurie is so creative.

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