Monday, March 25, 2024

Three Snows on the Robin's Tail

{Apologies for the amorphous nature of the photos...the blurs are made by falling snow.} 

 The old saying is that it will snow on the robin's tail three times before spring is sprung.  My mum, however, upped the number to 7 being that we live in Nod.
I can't tell you when the robins returned this spring (I wasn't paying attention) but, despite our mild winter, their little tails have been dumped on twice already that I know of.

Early this past Friday morning, we got about 5" of snow and this weekend we received another 11" or a bit more. 

I am grateful, though, that it wasn't the 21" Cathy from Acorn Hollow received.
Little blessings - I'll take 'em.

Regardless, it is a strange sensation to wake to the muffled stillness created by a heavy snowfall and have it pierced by the cacophony of a bobbin of robins descending on the berried trees.

I believe the robins from every corner of Nod visited our crabapple trees and bittersweet vines.

I am glad they have the berries and seeds to tide them over until Spring is brave enough to show her face again and melts this stuff.  

But I do wish I had a barn for them to sit in, poor things.


Linda said...

I always enjoy your blog but I especially enjoyed it today.
I am anxiously awaiting the return of my hummingbirds but that is 1.5 months away.

Rugs and Pugs said...

You always capture the best pictures!
I love a good spring snowstorm (I am sure you would be willing to!) because in two days it will be gone. We haven't had one in many years ;-(

jabblog said...

We haven't had a decent snowfall for years. Distance lends enchantment and I'm quite sure we wouldn't appreciate it as much as we think. It is beautiful, though, and your robins are so pretty and busy and thankful for the kind gardener who provides berries.

Saundra said...

Winters in Delaware aren't as vicious as you have so I see robins even in wintertime. But when we have had significant snowfalls am aware also of the quiet/muffled stillness. Am not happy with my water but very happy I'm not having to deal with the amount of snow you and Cathy are dealing with. Think spring and click you heels, lol.

Betty said...

Isn't March the cruelest month?

Primitive Stars said...

Morning Robin, hope this day finds you well… love your pictures of the Robin’s, happy they have the berries to eat with all the snow still.. I have yet to see a Robin around these parts but I’m welcoming the crows. They nest around here in the tall pines and hearing the caws brings me comfort in a way. Would you believe the other morning there must have been around 200 on the roof beside us, it was amazing, that’s a heck of a murder of crows, lol…. Have a wonderful week, Blessings Francine.

Lady Locust said...

We had very little snow this year so it looks divine to me 😍
Also, you find the loveliest little poems ~ I just love them.

NMK said...

It is just crazy to get lots of snow now , especially after having some nice warm days. We got almost 3" of rain last Saturday , but my brother who lives in Vermont got 28"of Snow ! Mud season will last a long time for them .
We have lots of Robins around too ....we are looking forward to warm , sunny days & green leaves ! Enough of Winter !

Prims By The Water said...

Our 5 inches of snow has now melted and it rained all day today now. Love your pics. We had a cardinal in our tree when it was snowing and he was so majestic. Hope your weather gets better. Janice

yaya said...

That snow creeped right around us. I'm glad for that but feel bad for you and Cathy! The birds find shelter in our garage which I'm not too thrilled about once the weather is warmer because they make a big mess! But that's nature for you. Looking back at my blog posts from previous years I see we've had snow almost every April at least once as a final goodbye to Winter. I hope this past snowfall is your final bye bye! Have a blessed Easter weekend Robin.

Shrimpton and Perfect said...

Tis always a wonder to me how the little birds don't freeze to death when the weather is very cold.

marly said...

Ours are eating some of the meal worms in the bluebird's cup. I thought their arrival was a bit early this year. Been hearing unfamiliar calls, time to activate Merlin!

Lori from Notforgotten Farm said...

we have our nice plump robin's listening intently to our garden rows ~
just waiting for the song of a happy earthworm ~ SLURP!
no more snow for us {fingers crossed}

Julia said...

We had very little snow this winter and it's been a milder winter than usual. I'm still waiting to feast my eyes on the Robins. I've heard one singing but he evaded my eyes.

One Robin in the house and many Robins in the trees. I'm sure they have taken shelter in the thick fir trees. Birds are smarter than us. It amazes me that they return to the same place every year.
