Saturday, March 9, 2024

Ducks, Pigeons and Squirrels

Actually, I don't have a row. 
I don't even have any ducks.
I have squirrels....and they're EVERYWHERE.

It's been almost a month since my last post and I have little to show for it.
I start something with good intentions and then get distracted by something else.

I've done a little bit of stitching, and even littler hooking....
but way too much reading.

After an embarrassing amount of time, I finally got my Simple Santa mat bound.

It looks a bit off kilter in the photos as it is propped against the curved back of a rocking chair but I was having difficulties getting the lighting anywhere near right. (And there are two other rugs behind it whose bindings are showing. The binding on Santa is just the lighter colored wool.)

Even still, it looks washed out.
Anyways, it is a pattern by Therese Shick. 
And it's done.
Done is good.

I've not made much progress at all on my stag rug.

{Pattern by Homespun Prims by Lori}

In my defense, I ran out of some of the wool and just haven't made it down the lane to get more.  So it was put aside and I picked up my needle instead.

While I didn't make it down the lane, I did manage to leave the house and actually "fun-shopped" a while back.  On somewhat of a whim, I bought this chair-and-a-half. (There's a footstool too....)

Rajah most usually insists on sitting right next to me, whether I am hooking, reading or stitching.  Unfortunately, one or the other of us has gotten larger (it's him...really), and the fit has been tight in our old chair.  So, this solves the issue and he thinks it's the cat's pajamas.

I also finally found (part of) an old metal heart floor mat.  I've wanted one for a long time, but never found one.  So, I splurged.  

I haven't settled on exactly where it will be permanently displayed, but this works for now.

In other news, I have a new granddog.

This is Scout.  She is a 5-month old Siberian Husky/German Shepherd mix rescue.
Yes, she has one blue eye and one brown and one very wonky ear.
And, yes, that is Mia's Doc-a-Tot that she has claimed as her dogbed.

Sometimes I do a great deal of headshaking.

I am also continuing to work on remodeling the lake house.  Hopefully at least the main level will be habitable by the time the weather warms.
These days, decisions are either made on whim (i.e., chair-and-a-half) or (most usually) are laborious and over-thought.  No happy medium it seems.

Well, how's that for a scurry of squirrels??
It's not easy being me.


WoolenSails said...

Your Santa rug is beautiful and I love the binding you did. I have always used yarn and it never held up. Fun finds and I see your kitty loves it. That heart piece is really unusual and unique, love repurposing things like that.


oldgreymareprimitives said...

It's not easy being any of us these days it seems to me. No matter who I speak with, everyone seems to be chasing squirrels.

jabblog said...

Unable to settle and easily distracted, that's me. So much to do and so little will to do it with all the time in the world and wasting most of it.
Rajah looks so comfortable and Scout looks full of fun.

Saundra said...

Congrats on fine finishes, Santa us wonderful and love the sky!. How do you get your whipped edge to be so straight? Mine usually looks wavy.
Scout is a handsome one, will he end up being YOUR dog like Snowdog became your dog? Rajah appears to claim the throne.

Rugs and Pugs said...

If someone breaks in to your house and steals your heart mat, it wasn't me. Honest. Really wasn't me!!!

JustGail said...

The Santa rug is pretty, the chair looks cozy. Nice to have room for a furry friend. Or a toddler. Or stitching or hooking supplies. That metal mat is very interesting. It must have been for outside use originally? I can't imagine what that would do to floors inside a house. Scout is very pretty, hope she settles in with no issues.

I've come to the conclusion squirrels are not my biggest problem of not getting things done, it's the rabbits. For me, it's the internet rabbit holes and bunny trails I can get caught up in. Suddenly a couple of hours are gone and nothing done.

acorn hollow said...

I love how you did the background for your santa. The whole ducks in a row is very over rated. I do love your chair.
I have a necklace I bought from lauren made out of one of those hearts. I wear it the most of any flashy jewelry I have not that I have that much.
You will love having your lake house done to enjoy this summer.
Oh grand dogs I love mine but my grand is not little it is a lot of work to have both at the same time.

Betty said...

Well your Santa looks great! Squirrels here are ground squirrels and very can't stand them. Went to a hook in yesterday and told a gal I would love to see her rug unfolded as I had not seen it. Her whole table cracked up. I smiled and said "What"? She replied "Well you're the first person who hasn't seen it, I've been working on it for 8 years." Pretty funny and made me feel better about my two years running.
Glad you had a good find. It's special! Cheers! Betty

NMK said...

Love your Santa rug ...looks great ! And your Stag has beautiful wools too , hope you have enough to finish it !
I have always wanted a Heart matt too , but they are so expensive , I Love the size you got ! I have a necklace from Lauren too & Love it !
What a beautiful dog Scout is !
And your chair looks so pretty & obviously nice & comfy !
Our squirrels drive my dog crazy .
Have fun doing whatever you feel like !!!

Anonymous said...

You’re active and you’ve been creative. I’d say you’re doing well. Love that Santa and those precious pets. The chair is sweet and I’d never heard of a metal heart rug. Was it made to scrape boots on?? Do you have a book recommend? Our book club read Bear by Marian Engle. It caused a lot of shock when it came out in the late 70’s. I’m now reading The Bobbsey Twins on Blueberry Island. Talk about comfort read!
Kimm sheepunderfeet

Prims By The Water said...

Am green with envy on your heart mat. I could have bought one many years ago and passed on it and regretted it ever since. I love your chair and a Half. Rajah Looks comfy. Scout looks comfy too. My daughter had a husky who had one blue eye and one brown. Love your Santa mat and you have made good progress on your stag. Alas my focus lately has just been cross stitching and I am rather behind on my creations for the store. Need to get my butt moving on those soon, else Bob will fire me. LOL Janice

Rugs and Pugs said...

And I must say your Simple Santa is simply wonderful.
What a cute granddog ;-)

Primitive Stars said...

Evening Robin, here we into March already, time does fly…..well my ducks have never been a row, lol.. ..I adore your Santa mat, love the swirls around him., your are so talented in my eyes. That heart mat melts my heart, I’ve always love them, glad you splurged…. Nice chair, looks so comfy and sweet Rajah looks very cozy in it…. Scout is stunning and happy always to hear rescued.. .. you will have to show the lake house you renovated, my dream to live on the lake…… Not much new around these parts but I am retiring at the end of April, I’m excited as I’ve been at that job 37 years. It’s hard work and has took a lot out of me, looking forward to being lazy for a bit….. wishing you a cozy evening, Blessings Francine.

Lori from Notforgotten Farm said...

my ducks are just lost ~ wandering all over the place

Shrimpton and Perfect said...

Such a lot of Happy in your post. And you're ahead for Christmas, what a gal. xxx

yaya said...

Oh dear Robin, you've been busy! That Simple Santa is simply gorgeous...and I like your new chair. That's a fun pic of your kitty! What a pretty Granddog rescue and I love the name Scout. So many great dogs need rescued instead of buying one from a puppy mill. I hope you and Scout have some good times this summer! I still have many projects that need to be finished but I must have squirrels in my head as they are still not done. Oh well, have a good week Robin!

Dicky Bird said...

Your rug is very nice! Glad you were out and about. I only make decisions on whims...wish I would "labor more" before....that's my squirrels - they are working overtime lately - lots going on in the Town of Ringle with our Marathon County!!!

Julia said...

You did a fantastic job on that Santa rug. I love how you did the background. It's very special.

I never saw a metal heart mat before but it's very impressive. I imagine it's made for outdoors or as a decoration. It adds a lot of interest on the wall. I love it.

We have so many squirrels in our area as we have butternut trees around and they are a nuisance. Squirrels can live to about 18 years. My ducks are scattered everywhere. I don't even know how many I have. lol...

Hugs, Julia