Saturday, April 6, 2024


Last month, precious little Mia turned 1.  
For those of you new here, Mia is my (first and only) granddaughter who was born prematurely, weighing in just over 3 lbs.
At the request of one person (you know who you are), this is a glimpse of her first birthday celebration.

Her birthday theme was a take on Alice in Wonderland (i.e. "Mia in One-derland") and her mum had the house decorated like a virtual wonderland.

Mia's mum works at an extraordinary floral shop and has an amazing gift for details.
Obviously, I was enamored by the floral arrangements and didn't get photos of much else, but she had little arrow signs all over, giant-sized cards hanging from the ceiling and "Wonderland" clocks all over.

Teacups and teapots of every sort were filled with gorgeous blooms.

And, of course, there was cake...

...which the birthday girl enjoyed a little more than she should...

...but she cleans up more than beautifully.


As you see, she is well and thriving.  Unfortunately, we learned yesterday that she will need to wear leg braces.  Not permanently, hopefully, but this little fighter has had her share of challenges this past year.  
Thank all of you who have kept her and her parents in your thoughts and prayers.


Saundra said...

That gal has some spunk and will shine throughout her lifetime I think. So how is her 2nd birthday going to outdo this year? Quite a party fit for a Princess me thinks.

Julia said...

Thank you so much for sharing this big milestone in Mia's life. 🎂 I'm so glad you posted some pictures of her. She is still in my daily prayers. What a cute little princess. She must bring so much joy to you and her parents. I can believe how much she has grown in just one year.

I'm so sorry that she needs leg braces but it's the best time to wear them to correct the issue while she's so young.

Sending Easter blessings to you and your family.
Hugs, Julia ❤️

acorn hollow said...

On my goodness!! That is one lucky little girl!! She is so darling! How lucky to have a little one to love. mine is growing up so fast!
Leg braces now will not be a huge issue and hopefully it will not be an issue later.
Happy Birthday Mia!

marly said...

That is the most gorgeous baby birthday ever! My gracious her mom is talented. And Mia is so precious. My nephew wore braces, don't remember for how long, but do remember it did not slow him down. So nice to see this update. Thanks for sharing.

Rugs and Pugs said...

Thank you for the Mia update. That was one heck of a party. Just beautifully done.
What sweet pictures. That One-derland dress is simply adorable. All the pictures of her are so sweet, but the one of her in the wooden bowl is THE BEST! Talk about personality ;-)
That little fighter will overcome her challenges for sure. Just like grandma.

yaya said...

Oh my gosh is she adorable! I don't know about you but I never had that much creativity with birthdays. Wow, those decorations are so beautiful and such a cute theme. My first born was a preemie weighing in at only 2lbs, 10oz 48yrs ago. It's a miracle he had no problems since there wasn't the technology we have now. They do grow fast and I can tell that little Mia has spunk and personality that will get her through anything that comes her way. Prayers for her beautiful future! Thanks for sharing!

jabblog said...

Mia is adorable.She looks as if she is in to everything, just as she should be.
What a lovely party she had. She has a very creative mother.

Shrimpton and Perfect said...

Beyond adorable. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

NMK said...

What an Amazing Birthday Mia had !!! Her Mom did a Beautiful job . She is just a Beautiful little girl !!! Leg braces won't bother her at all , she will be getting around much faster than you would think ! The years go flying by and her Mother will make each Birthday so special ....enjoy every minute !!!

Prims By The Water said...

She is just too precious. Love the birthday theme. What a fantastic idea to use teapots and teacups. I keep forgetting to email so bad at that, but so glad your package arrived. Trust me I have more than I need as well. Janice

WoolenSails said...

What a fun theme for a party. Your granddaughter is adorable and love all the fun photos of her. Grandchildren are such a blessing.


Primitive Stars said...

Evening Robin, what a magical Birthday party for sweet Mia turning 1. What a living dolly she is, those pictures in the bowl are precious. Those flowers in the tea pots are so beautiful, she sure has the gift for flower arranging. She is one lucky girl to have you for a Grandmother, much love showered on her…. Thank you for sharing, I really enjoyed going down the rabbit hole with you. Love and hugs, Francine

Mary @ Neat and Tidy said...

What a darling little girl! She will fight this battle; she knows how to fight.

Anonymous said...

A beautiful, precious , ONE-derful little granddaughter! Happy Birthday, little Mia! And don't you worry...all will be well...🩷

Heritage Hall said...

Is she ever precious, dear Mia ~ The whole display is creative and
flawless, with the promise of fun-filled celebration. Mia's pictures
are darling and show her zest for living, bless her.

Mary, Windy Meadows Farm said...

Now it's my turn to discover your blog! What a birthday's just beautiful, and she's a lovely little girl! I'm looking forward to reading your older posts...I read your bio and things sound familiar: Hermit - yep, Simple life - yep (with it's own set of ups & downs) and lastly, as I've heard it said: Jill of all trades, and Mistress of none - again, yep! Enjoy the weekend, Mary

Wendy @ Ravenwood Whimzies said...

What a beautiful little girl! Her party looks so lovely!

Anonymous said...

Spectacular florals and decor. Mum must be very proud. As well she should. And she obviously has Grandma’s heart. Mia looks like she is up for any challenge. What a sweetie!!!!

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