Monday, September 16, 2024

A Quick Check-in...

Little Crow is getting married this weekend and things have been crazier than normal.  
If my penchant for procrastination and late-onset anxiety weren't enough to deal with right now,  a rogue storm rolled through Sunday morning leaving me without power for over 4 hours and doing a great deal of damage - including, but not limited to, decimating my back-up generator, my pool pump/robot cleaning system, garage lights, wireless remote light switches, and my pc hard drive.

Why me? Why now???

Anyways, it may be a while before I catch my breath and things return to the low hum of my old "normal," so I wanted to do a quick check-in to let you know I'm still here even if I won't manage to keep up with checking in on blogs, etc.

Since my photos (and most of the rest of my life) are on my defunct pc, you get some random, unedited (i.e., no attempt to remove blur), photos from my camera roll..and posted from my Ipad which is always a bit of a challenge.

{Love the way the sunshine reflects off my favorite crow's wings...}

{The hibiscus is putting on their final summer show....}

{The moon has been so spectacularly orange it reminds me of those jelly orange slice candies some nights...}

{I tried to disguise a black-and-blue toe (fall down the patio stairs) with a pedicure.  I wasn't entirely successful....}

{A little dark stitching - "Jack's Bash" by Plum Street Samplers....}

{Rajah Roo...pretty much summing up how I feel at the end of each day...and, truth be told, at the start of many as well....}

I have the honor of walking Miss Mia down the aisle.
  Wish me luck.
She's too little to hold me up. 


jabblog said...

It will be a lovely, memorable occasion. Enjoy!

Prims By The Water said...

Congratulations to your son on his upcoming wedding. Mia will be adorable walking down the aisle and I hope you share pics of this happy occasion. You sure need one thats for sure. I had purchased Jack's Bash and was pondering if I should start it this year or not as I am kinda getting tired of doing Halloween each month with Hawk Run may still end up in the pile of starts for next year....and oh no on that bad storm coming in and ruining things. My daughter keeps telling me if she did not have bad luck, she would have no luck at all. I always tell her that when god closes a door, he always opens a window, so am thinking this needs to be your motto too going forward. Do take care and things will get have a wonderful son getting married and a granddaughter to cherish now as well. Take care my friend. Janice

Betty said...

So sorry you are a victim of Mother Nature. Important things first a memorable wedding and a small hand in yours.

JustGail said...

Sorry that you had the storm damage. I hope you get they are resolved soon. I no longer ask "why me?!" or "what's next?!" when crap happens. I mean it as an expression of frustration, the cosmos takes it as a challenge.
You'll do fine with walking Miss Mia.

Anonymous said...

You made it so far and you will go the full way, knowing you. Just keep your eye on the prize and know it is intended just for you.

NMK said...

So sorry about all the damage Mother Nature left you with ....But holding that precious little hand will warm your heart ....have a Wonderful time at the wedding .

Rugs and Pugs said...

Damn Mother nature!!!
We expect to see wedding pictures...especially you and your sweet grand. I'm sure everything will be just perfect.
What a great toe camouflage!!!
Gorgeous moon pictures.

Primitive Stars said...

Morning Sweet Crow, I’m so sorry that nasty storm came barreling through, something you did not need…. How sweet your walking Miss.Mia down the aisle, hope your toe will feel better… Congratulations on your son get married, good luck…..Love Jacks Bash stitching, you are so talented as I love those samplers…How sweet is your kitty sleeping like that, many nights I feel like that too…the sunlight on the crow is such a beautiful picture as is your flowers, very pretty….. Enjoy the wedding, take care, love and hugs Francine.

yaya said...

Ouch on the toe! Congrats to your son on his wedding and I'm sure all will go well. We sure need rain here but a bad storm is not the way to get it. Many days I feel just like your sweet cat! I hope your weekend goes well and you enjoy yourself and then it will be officially Fall! Good to hear from you!

Saundra P said...

Good grief, hope you don’t encounter any other issues. Am sure the weekend will be a wonderful event for everyone. Looking forward to photos.
I used to wear toe rings but now I have two hammer toes so no rings could be put on that toe on either foot.

Saundra P said...

Good grief, hope you don’t encounter any other issues. Am sure the weekend will be a wonderful event for everyone. Looking forward to photos.
I used to wear toe rings but now I have two hammer toes so no rings could be put on that toe on either foot.