Wednesday, October 30, 2013

13 Days of Halloween Blog Chain: Day 13 ~ Final Preparations....

It came like a thief in the night this Day suddenly and so
unbidden.  I do not know where the days slipped to, but I truly have enjoyed the 13 Days of Halloween Blog Chain.

A huge thank you...and hugs all around, to Robyn of Primlish and Misi of 1890 Gable House Musings for being the brainchildren behind this chain and for being the ever gracious hostesses.  These two women have some MAD creativity and decorating talent I tell ya.

A special thanks, as well, to my other fellow chain gang members:  The ever sweet Francine of Primitive Stars
 - I so enjoyed your colony of black kitties - and the inimitable Missy Marie from Primitives by Olde Lady Morgan - you know how to make me laugh you do...

And, lastly....but certainly not leastly...thank you to all who visited, commented or just tolerated 13 days of me.  You're the bestest!

So...without further adieu (literally):

Day 13 ~ Final Preparations...
...because the big night is near....

 (I was going to iron...but figure the wrinkles will "blow" out....)

(What's left of the leaves on Robyn's tree....)

Are you ready?

  Wishing you all a wickedly amazing night of spooking!


Anonymous said...

oooooo, you are so ready for the big night and you have such amazing collections, wow!

Robyn ♥ said...

My Treeeeee..... :(
I am SO glad you joined in the chain! I really enjoy your writing as much as your photos!
Your outfit for tomorrow is completely awesome! Those boots...sigh!
Have a wonderful Halloween my friend!

Penny said...

Your 13 Days Of Halloween posts have been amazing! You have the absolute best collections, and know how to display them all so well. I really enjoyed visiting these past 2 weeks.... you did a great job!!

Primitive Stars said...

Evening Robin, I so loved your Halloween posts every day, you have an amazing collection of the neatest items. I adore your old witches costumes and those lace up boots are the best. I will miss you terribly every day now, Big Hugs Francine. P.S I emailed you a cute picture I hope you like and recieve, not the sharpest knife in the draw when emailing.

Rugs and Pugs said...

Dearest ET,
I am SO PROUD of you. Thirteen days in a row. YOU are the bestest.
Hugs :)

prims by olde lady morgan said...

Oh My ms. Cranky! To the gal who knows how to create 13 wonderful themes! you have the best for last! Ready for flight you are! so glad we all played along! Hugs! Safe flights! OLM

marly said...

You have such amazing and interesting items. I love that black dress, and the boots. I would wear that if it would fit!!! Then there's the cupboard it's hanging on. Can we see more of your cupboards? 13 days of cupboards? Please?

Willow said...

I have really enjoyed these 13 days . Magical...Boo-tiful and Spook-tacular really ! Loved the music every time I visited it gave me a little thrill to hear it !!

Cindi said...

So fun seeing all of your posts. I love how you celebrate!

Robin at The Primitive Hutch said...

What a great comeback and 13 days in a row!!! Love your witchin' attire!
Happy Haunting!