Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Hermitage Interruptus

I interrupted my hermitage this morning to exercise my great American privilege of voting.  
Our town hall is not far...especially as the crow flies...so there is not much to see along the way.  I neglected to take a photo of the town hall.  I suspect many of you would find it amusing if not charming....all 1 room of it.

But I can never pass this old homestead without a pause.

I know I am not alone wondering what lives were lived here...what memories were made....and why did it end like this? Will the good earth just swallow things up again someday??

(No one even bothered to remove the license plate.  Next time I go by, I will need to look more closely for a year on the plate.)

(These were just two of the many vehicles "resting" here.)

The old "suicide" doors as they were called (like the doors in the car in the above photo) are not much seen these days, although they are making somewhat of a comeback with new safety features of course.
I have always found them intriguing - if only for their namesake.  They actually harken back to the days of horse-drawn carriages and were convenient for the ladies and their large (often hooped) skirts.  They could simply "back into" their seats and easily step out at journey's end. 
They were particularly popular during..and are most usually associated with...the 1930's and the era of the "gangsters."  They were an easy way for rivals and undesirables to be "disposed" of, shall we say?
I also believe that these were the types of doors on the car that President Kennedy was riding in when he was assassinated. 

The doors today that open in this manner are obviously no longer referred to as "suicide" doors...and car manufacturers are chagrin at the reference I am told.  Those bold enough to include them call them "coach doors," "rear-access doors," or "freestyle doors."  And, as I mentioned, there are now safety features. Most won't open unless the front door is opened or if the vehicle is going more than a minimal speed.

Stick with me....you never know what kind of useless information you will pick up LOL and you can never know what to expect with my posts, can you?

How my mind wanders these days.

In any event, I have voted.  I only found two typos in the ballot.  A new low record for our county.

Even with my lollygagging, I was home in time to "finish" finish this little piece.  I punched it years and years ago, but never "did" anything with it after the punching was done.  After I framed it, though, I realized that I was going to do a decorative stitch on the wool around the punched area.  Oh well.  Serves me well for taking so long in the finishing I guess. I love the French knot "flowers" on top of the blooms.

("Night Burglar" by Sean Williams/Threads That BindSean )

Until next time, be well, stay well.


WoolenSails said...

Love abandoned places and wondering who lived there or what it was for. That is a great photo of the barn and car and fun trivia, never heard of suicide doors. Your rabbit is wonderful, I just finished a little piece with a chick, now back to my challenge piece and a table topper.


carol sferra said...

Oh I love those pictures!!! I'm always looking for things like that to photograph.

Rugs and Pugs said...

Add photographer to your resume. Your pics of the abandoned cars are amazing. I can’t believe no one has “borrowed” the license plate. I suppose that would be the politically correct term 😩
Sweet finish. You are on a roll.
Only two typos? Cool...lol. They must be so proud.

Winnie said...

For me, Robin, this was a most interesting look into the past, that is now lying fallow in the field. Like you, I was immediately drawn to that old car; such a beauty! And I never pass an old standing homestead and not want to get out and look around for clues as to who were the people echo called the place home. In a way, the photo looks like one day, it all ended and nothing has been done since then, which is obviously decades ago. So, thank-you for today’s photo journey and thank-you for making the effort to get out and vote.

Your Easter Hare hooking is beautiful and such a lovely wall hanging to enjoy this time of year. Happy Easter , Robin, and I hope Spring arrives soon to the Land of Nod!

Dicky Bird said...

Oh my, what a cool, old farmstead! I would love to know the story! I love how you put the fabric on diagonal for your punch rabbit! I voted too, but the town hall is only 1 mile from my house. Not much to see. Have a great day!

Saundra said...

Nice to get a brief view of NOD. Hope your creative side continues ~ interesting that I have that very same wool which is the background to your needle punch work. It was one of my acquisitions from the thrift store a while ago. I have some left and is even the wool used to hook the middle dog in the present piece. Next time I post a photo of the rug I'll show my wool too.

Ms Peppercorn said...

Thank you for the look into your world. I can’t open your site fast enough when I see the email.

Julie - My Primitive Heart said...

Hi Robin,
It is always a treat to see a post from you and I was just fascinated with your photos of this old derelict homestead!! Oh the memories and stories it could share!!! I have never heard of "suicide doors" but that seems like the perfect name for that era! If you ever do find out anything about this property, please do share with us!!
I love your sweet bunny piece and think it looks perfect the way it is! Sometimes less IS MORE!!! Thank you for stopping by my blog and for your sweet words!! Always so encouraging!!! Please take care, my sweet friend, and stay safe and well!!!
Blessings and Big Hugs to you~
Julie xo

acorn hollow said...

Your piece is wonderful and timely. That poor old house and car have lots of stories to tell I bet.
Stay safe

marly said...

What a shame. Someone would have restored those cars! I wonder what is inside that beautiful barn, other than critters. Possibility the deed is still in the family, or delinquent taxes gave it over to the state. I have macabre thoughts sometimes and when I see large properties abandoned, I imagine the owners were vile. No family wanted any part of the memories. See? Macabre. Maybe there's a good story for a book, investigate!

Prims By The Water said...

Do you get a voter sticker like we do? I so love bunnies, and even though I did not put many of mine out, so love seeing your finish. Great job! Janice

Farm Girl said...

Its so nice to stop in and see your post. Cool cars! I wonder why the people just left.
I hope you are having a nice spring. We have had rain for three days.
Rare for here but nice.
I wish you the best.

Janet-Olde Crow Primitives said...

Love the pictures. Places like that really intrigue me. I love the bunnies this time of year.
Have a great day!

Curtains in My Tree said...

Oh I like the old home place pictures and that old car i'm surprised someone hasn't taken it to fix it up, makes great pictures however.
I live in the city so no interesting things to see when walking which I haven
t done much of these days.