Sunday, May 12, 2024

Little Joys

It's Mother's Day.  
I know everyone's circumstances are different.
Some are celebrating with, or celebrated by, their families.
Others are alone or grieving.
Yet for others it is just another Sunday.

Whatever your inner world view is at this point in time, I'm sharing some little joys of mine on this day.

Look close...a baby robin peeks out of its nest outside my kitchen window:

Not exactly a "joy," but they are pretty cute...and put an end to my trying to live trap the critters:

Magic in the night sky:

A gray thatcher singing his heart out:

The thatcher's song:

I wish for you a day of little joys.


Prims By The Water said...

I missed the Northern lights. You captured them so well. AM sure they were amazing in person. It was a perfect night on Friday and I forgot. Last night I went outside for almost 2 hours and nothing...then the clouds moved in. UGH I know your son is out of town, but so hope you enjoyed your Mother's Day. I enjoyed spending time with just my mom and I watching cheeky movies on Hallmark. Janice

Saundra said...

What big eyes those little robins have. What beautiful photos you captured of the Northern Lights, I didn't see it and figured from Delaware I'd not be able to see it anyway.
In addition to your thatcher's singing I heard an ow\el in the background.
Happy Mother's Day to you as well.

yaya said...

Happy Mother's Day Robin! I loved your pics of all the beauty of nature and those cute critters! Our baby robins disappeared. Just one left alone in the nest and it looked deformed. Very sad. Glad yours are growing nicely! We tried to see the lights here and some spots had them but we didn't see anything. Your pics are beautiful and I'm glad you saw it so nicely. Truly joys in the every day. Take care Robin!

acorn hollow said...

The robins are so sweet. We saw the northern lights but did not see that kind of color. We did see flashes of color I am so sad I missed the color.

acorn hollow said...

PS Happy Mother's Day.

Mary, Windy Meadows Farm said...

Those are all perfect - sweet and simple joys that make my heart happy. Thank you!

Julia said...

You captured beautiful nature pictures. I didn't even thought about looking for the Aurora Borealis last night but I'm glad that you got to see them. It must have been nice to see. Your Azeleas are blooming before mine. We live close to the river and get the cool North wind but up the road, they are blooming.

Those baby bunnies are cute to look at but I see that their cuteness is saving their lives, lol...

It's late in the day but Happy Mother's Day my friend.
Hugs, Julia

marly said...

Hope you and Mia's mom had a nice Mother's day. And the mom bunhead and robin too.
Gorgeous light display, I saw nothing. Didn't know about it until today, avoiding the media garbage and news! Ah. So much better.

jabblog said...

Taking delight in little things makes life worthwhile.

Primitive Stars said...

Happy Belated Mother’s Day to you Robin. I love the little things, makes me happy. The wee Robin peeking out is so adorable as are the bunny’s. Those Northern Lights are stunning, I’ve been trying to stay up to see them at times but never have. Your photos are so beautiful, I’m going back for a second look… I’m enjoying my retirement so much, staying at camp as much as we can. It’s the simple things like porch sitting, campfires and bird watching that make me happy. ….. I love the Thatcher’s song, never heard it before, it’s almost haunting…… .Mother’s day is such a sad Holiday for me as miss mine so much, the heartache has not let up. I did go to my son’s for a bbq so that lifted my spirits.. well enough rambling, take care my friend, love your blog and our visits, Blessings Francine.

Betty said...

I love the sound of the Thatcher. We have "California" Thatchers here. Not sure if their sound is any different but recognizable along with that beak. Mocking birds sometimes try to fool you Your photos are amazing.

NMK said...

Your pictures of The Nothern Lights are just incredible !!! We didn't see them , we couldn't stay up that late LOL !!!
Your wild life is fun to see ! Baby Robbins & Bunnies & the Thatcher ! I have never seen one of those & it's song is beautiful !!!

WoolenSails said...

Wonderful examples of the little joys in our life. I can never find the robin's nests, they hide them too well in the tall pines. Beautiful photos of the lights, I missed them since we had more cloud, but I was able to see a glimmer of color and a flash came up for a second, which was still a thrill.


Shrimpton and Perfect said...

All joy to you too. Magical images, thank you.