"I shall not go into town whilst the Bittersweet blooms...." {Author Unknown}
I love bittersweet....and it is starting to turn.
Our evenings and nights have a chill to them, requiring a change of clothes when the sun descends.
Some trees have started trying out their fall wardrobes and a few leaves have already begun to fall.
Autumn is, hands down, my favorite-est season of all. But given what follows it....and how cruel that "what" can be here in Nod, I am in no hurry to pack Summer's bags.
{I adore the combination of the smells of Angelonia and Snapdragons}
Besides, the Hibiscus have just begun to bloom. They are Summer's most loyal companions.
Like handmaidens, they stand in the shadows until Summer beckons them.
Then they rush forth, colorful and bold.
As they scream Summer's name in almost garish manners, you know when they arrive that Summer has beckoned them because she is making ready to take her leave.
So I treasure her company while I can.
In the quiet corners of my world.
And while the evenings are growing longer, I have not made much progress on the Beast. However, I suspect some of you may be wondering, so here is where I am at....Not much further along than the last time you saw him. (In my defense, I did redo several letters....)
The temptation to begin fall projects is sometimes overwhelming, but I fear if he is put aside, he will join the ranks of "skeleton rugs" in my closet(s).
So, I enjoin Summer to prolong her stay, although I know her presence will do nothing to change the passing of days.
How can it be that things can move by so quickly when we are really just standing still?